Archive for day September 13th, 2021

Liberal Gustavo Adolph

The province was divided in 22 cities, that one had ‘ ‘ cidado’ ‘ nominated it presided over that them, normally its local force and connected interests with the emperor and the conjuncture were nominated by national politics. The presidents had to send in its managements reports and suggestions, and to present them for times in the provincial state legislature, so that thus they were sent to the monarch, I contend its ‘ ‘ olhar’ ‘ on the situation that helped to keep coesa the nation, in way that, if made necessary to supply in the reports the great gamma of information, exactly that they were not periodic served as ‘ ‘ termmetro’ ‘ on the inherent questions the province, as well as of the form acting of the monarch and the provincial presidents. In such a way with the advent of the war in December of 1864, it was possible to more still center the actions of war. therefore frequent confections of reports had become that had to be sent to the monarch, occurring frequently mentions in the reports on the war initiated in that year. Go to Tony Parker for more information.

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September 13th


Theatre Royal Drottningholm

It was in ancient Rome, the interior first acquires the characteristics of the rough, an overwhelming monumentality, and the theater – the immortal attribute is play-acting: the curtain. System Forward-looking rocker scenery, close to the modern scene, was invented by J. Aleotti at the beginning of the XVII century in the era of fanciful Baroque style, and first used in the palace "Farnese Theatre in Parma. Scenery with shaped contour concealed from the viewer's space "behind the scenes, creating a sense of mysterious intrigue, and could not be better illustrated curvy shapes predominating style, overloaded with stucco, painting and gilding. Massive crystal chandeliers, body moldings with heavy patterns "antique", the gilded mirror baguette – a tribute to theatrical baroque to modern design.

Elements of the baroque theater exist in the modern furniture decor: heavy curls on the backs of sofas and armchairs, complex, but the dynamic forms of luxury suites, in velvet, with a large pattern upholstered furniture, heavy draperies nadzerkalnyh. Straight vertical Tight lines, as if staring into the sky characterize the interior style is baroque and theatrical scenery XVII – XVIII century. Thanks to the Baroque, the scene acquired features of the bulk of the space surrounding the actors with all sides, and with only one hand available spectator view. It looked like a room with a calculatedly ranked space in which no one piece of furniture was not "accidental." Movable sliding system Italian machinery at the time by which the stage moved furniture, heard thunder, pouring the water, preserved to our days at the Theatre Royal Drottningholm near Stockholm (Sweden, the architect, KF Adelkrants).

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September 13th

September 2021