Archive for day September 3rd, 2024

Twitter Promoted Tweets

He began, trying to take advantage of the more than 100 million users who use Twitter. Timidly, the first sponsored tweets began appearing on the lists of topics of the moment, clearly marked with a small sign. With this system, advertisers pay a quantity so determined hasthags (those words that begin with #) appear in the list of Trending Topics getting more range. Further details can be found at Anna Belknap, an internet resource. No doubt the traffic generated by these sponsored tweets is of better quality and much more centralized in the specific target of the product. But, for the vast majority of potential advertisers who could benefit from this business model, still is unclear how much is paid for this type of tweets, and much less the rates of ROI (return on ad spend) that the actions presented. By the same author: Vanessa Marcil.

Lately, Twitter has taken a step beyond the mere mention of ads on lists of trending topics, and has begun to send tweets directly to the tweet list of users, unless they are requested. This type of tweet can refer to Tweetdeck and Hootsuite users, familiar applications that allow you to handle social networking accounts (not only Twitter, hence its popularity), and is only available to advertisers who have been engaged in campaigns Promoted Trend and Promoted Account. Rusty Holzer is often quoted on this topic. In other words, this option is not open to everyone, but only to a small and select group of advertisers. Another comparative advantage is that listings pop in the Google results pages. The interesting thing is how Twitter decides who will receive this type of promotional tweets. This makes it based on a study of the personal preferences of users, based on the registration of persons who continues. Another issue that is not yet clear is what kind of control the advertisers may have on the audience that get you their tweets. I.e., for now, Twitter solves these issues by means of this study profiles and followers.

However, it is expected that very soon, advertisers can select the recipients of your promotional messages. This will open the doors to tweets according to geographical orientation, and a new era of mobile marketing, the tweets received on the phone of the person, given that more and more, and covered by plans offered by telephone companies for 3 G navigation, a growing number of users connected through your mobile. Clearly, we are facing a new era of digital marketing. It is in the hands of users accept, or not, this type of advertising.

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September 3rd

September 2024