Archive for October, 2024

Ornamental Plants From Seeds Attract

Ornamental plants are what you should watch for at the cultivation of plants from seed although most ready getopft and also flowering in the trade to find more fun it is but if you pull yourself from seeds. Save money you can even. For a successful cultivation, one must know the needs of the respective type. The following groups are differentiated in the coarse: dark Germinator the seed of this species must are not necessarily dark to germinate, so they should go on but be covered with Earth. Light Germinator light germ end seeds are usually very thin and are spread by the wind, for example. To place them only on the previously moistened substrate.

There are many light sprouting species to find among the cacti and Succulents. Cold Germinators in it is to germinate seeds that either require low temperatures (2-5 C) or cast out only after a period of cold weather. Including many native plant species, such as the wild garlic are (Allium ursinum), which drop their seeds in autumn. So that they do not immediately go up and while the young plants of the Winter freeze to death, they contain inhibitors. These are broken down by the low temperatures in combination with moisture, so that they are only germinable in the following spring. Want to attract these plants in the House, one notes the growing pot for a few weeks in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.

Some species require a cold/warm interplay to germinate. They are placed after sowing first for some time at room temperature and then migrate in the refrigerator. Tips: With large seeds with a hard shell, it can be beneficial, if you carefully templates with a nail file or sandpaper and soak for a few hours in water. The seeds of some species of Palm trees, bananas and also the Caudata are treated. For some seeds, it is helpful for the germs if they are doused with boiling water before sowing. The Mimosa include inter alia (Mimosa pudica). Some flower seeds quickly lose their germination. As noted, this is not always on the seed bags, it is advisable to immediately after purchase sow. Frank Edwards

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October 21st


South Westphalia

Human resources expert from South Westphalia makes measurable management and offers a unique training concept with implementation guarantee in Meinerzhagen / Attendorn. Training has economic, not least due to the current economic situation and the ever-increasing demands on companies and employees. Many training do little but in the long term and produce no concrete results. This applies in particular to the numerous services in the areas of leadership and employee motivation. The personnel expert Dr. Wolfgang Schroder puts an end now and has developed a unique training concept, which finally measuring and understandably makes leadership and their results. \”Everyone can work on its own problems and issues. It is not abstract, constructed or general examples, but individually everyday personal practice\”, Schroder declared his training concept.

That alone was already unique, also because the own issues despite of common training in a small group remained anonymous. \”No one has his issues, problems and\” Experiences to disclose\”stressed Schroder. But his method promises even more: \”Everyone has documented his individual results at the end of the two-day coaching seminar and visualized in the hand and can immediately continue working\”, he promises. The supporting documentation contained in addition the complex leadership knowledge in an easily workable and practicable form. Completed will the practical relevance of the training by a four-week follow-up email, the expert added. \”\” All issues of implementation and application are more or less mail? to coached \”and answered.\” Schroder is sure to change the leadership training market with its offer. Specifically to address leadership issues and to put immediately into practice are finite. Leadership will be measured, also because of the innovative use of modern information processing technology. Manager performance MAGP III, so the name of his new approach, enables executives, well-founded and justified to decide personnel Resources to plan properly and systematically, and to entrust above all always the right employees with a specific task.

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October 17th


Photovoltaic Cells

Photovoltaic cells can be made with different materials and technologies. Some of these technologies, used in most commercial modules include monocrystalline silicon cells, polycrystalline and amorphous. Using this technology, each cell produces a DC voltage of about 0.5 volts and a DC current of 1-8 A, it requires a significant number of cells to produce an appreciable voltage and power. The photovoltaic cells are interconnected in series in groups ranging from 36 to 72 cells that produce open circuit voltage of about 20-40 volts this set of cells in a photovoltaic module. The photovoltaic modules are a set of interconnected photovoltaic cells in series with the following physical characteristics: They are encapsulated with silicone or other special organic materials that provide a high transmission of radiation, are hydrophobic materials, to breathe into the cell and not condensed water. Protection by the back of Tedlar or some material similar. A tempered glass cover.

An anodized aluminum frame that holds the module as a whole. The set of two or more modules called photovoltaic array (array in English) or photovoltaic panel. Get more background information with materials from Ken Kao. The photovoltaic modules that comprise an arrangement can be connected in series, parallel or mixed form for the voltage and amperage required by the system. Batteries. The battery bank of a solar lighting system is responsible for providing electricity during the hours of night operation that has the fixture. An important aspect to be determined for either battery bank is the same size, ie the amount of energy it can store, the more energy is required to store, the larger will be the bank of batteries, less energy to store the smaller the size of the bank.

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October 2nd

October 2024