
The first 100 license "Austin", enjoyed incredible success in Britain, left the assembly line in Germany, with the right wheel, which was for the Germans in a novelty. Later the machine design has been modified in accordance with local requirements, and machine issued under the name "Dixie." By 1928 it produced more than 15.000 "Dixie" (read – "Austin"), which played a crucial role in the revival of the bmw. For the first time it became evident in 1925, when Shapiro became interested in the possibility of production cars of its own design and started to negotiate with the famous designer and designer Vunibaldom kamma. In the end, agreement was reached, and another talented person was implicated in the development of the now well-known automotive brand. Kamm for several years developing new components and assemblies for bmw.

1929: The first car BMW: bmw 3 / 15 ps. Meanwhile, a positive for the bmw was a question about Approval of proprietary trading firm acquires marki.V 1928 car factories in Eisenach (Thuringia), and with them the license to produce subcompact cars Dixi. November 16, 1928 "Dixie" has ceased to exist as a brand – She was replaced by the bmw. Dixi – the first car bmw. In economic downturns, minicar is the most popular car in Europe. On April 1, 1932 was scheduled premiere of the first "real" bmw ", which subsequently earned the recognition of the automotive press and became the starting point for the production car of his own design. This is the same car when received by the body and well-thought-out was a combination of new ideas and developments with the already well-known and used on the models of "Dixie." Motor power was 20 hp, which were enough to drive at a speed of 80 km / h.



October 8th

