Horacio Pozzo
Argentina is the most generous country in the world. It won the lottery, but decided to give up the prize. I can send it to or leave your comments on our website Argentina What Will the Coming? By Horacio Pozzo As promised, today I will comment on what happened during the seminar held at the Sheraton Buenos Aires, about “the next Argentina”, in which prominent economists. What will be the next Argentina? According to Marcelo Longobardi (who acted as moderator), and hinted that the exhibitors, unfortunately I must say that not unlike Argentina, which is today. People such as Ruben Mendoza would likely agree. Is that the government has many limitations to change their speech, because the pressures facing the various sectors are numerous and a change in strategy may undermine the “unstable equilibrium” in which it stands. Sorry I excited into thinking that the stage was coming to Argentina was positive change, but the feeling is that will continue on autopilot. Since neither I think then you’re moving toward Argentina, is that I would like to share with you the thought of “where should go,” according to these distinguished speakers. In that sense, Roberto Frenkel (large university professor and researcher holder CEDES), understands that the first thing you should do is a clear policy to fight inflation … What does this mean? What he means is the inflation problem openly acknowledge and publicize the decision to fight against him, which must be transparent the true rate of inflation (which is around 25% -30%).