Perfect Letter

The best cover letters are “a question page.” Why? Because of that suit today’s busy employers who are already overloaded and often overwhelmed. The best way to get your attention is to “be short? And go.” Leave them wanting more? You can call for an interview? That is just what one expects. Write a letter that makes your point about the job you want, is excited, and clearly asks for the opportunity to meet in person. Put these SEVEN secrets of a “Cover Short and Sweet ‘Letter to the practice and get the phone call next week: 1. Write a letter that fits on one page – MAX – three paragraphs total! 2.

Give his letter of “white space” by creating generous margins and double space between paragraphs. 3. Use bulleted and numbered lists where appropriate. This allows for easy understanding. 4. Check the first sentence of each paragraph in bold to draw in the reader. 5.

Create paragraphs with three or well-written four sentences each. Convey your passion and enthusiasm to be interviewed for the position being offered. 6. Print and scan the full letter to “look easy on the eyes. Remember, less is more. 7. Clara and directly request the opportunity to be interviewed! There you are! Seven Secrets to land more job interviews and hope that the work you’ve been looking for. How short and sweet it is! Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the new “Amazing Letter Creator.” Jimmy has written several books related professionals and their only “which” off-the-job search box “approach, make his articles a favorite job seekers. Jimmy is regularly published on some of the largest career sites on the Internet Web. Who else wants their phone ringing with more interviews of job quality?



July 5th

