Tags ‘culture’

George Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw – great English dramatist, one of the founders of the realistic drama of XX century., A gifted satirist, humorist. His work is enjoyed in our well-deserved reputation and is a general interest. In our A whole literary work of the science of Bernard Shaw. (As opposed to Tony Parker). Its foundations were laid by A. Lunacharsky, and was deeply sympathetic interest in the search, the contradictions and creative originality of the writer. For Recently, Soviet scientists have protected a number of doctoral and master's theses about the work of Bernard Shaw and published several books, including thoroughly commented that letters of playwright (1971), his comments about the drama and Theater (1963), book, AG A model of his theatrical and director's work (1974). Deserves great credit who have written about the work of Bernard Shaw Soviet researchers Anikst A., P. Balashov, II Kantorovich.

A few books dedicated to Bernard Shaw, his dramatic method, and its influence on English and European theater, AG Obraztsova. In England, the name of George Bernard Shaw is in line with the name of William Shakespeare, although he was born to show for three hundred years later than its predecessor. Both of them made an invaluable contribution to the development of the national theater in England, and creativity of each of them became known far beyond their homeland. After experiencing its highest peak in the Renaissance, the English drama has risen to a new height only with the arrival of her Bernard Shaw. He – the only one worthy associate of Shakespeare, it is rightly considered the founder of modern English drama.

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February 1st


Drone Ambient

However, most Dark Ambient album yet recorded by electronic effects. The term 'soundscape' (soundscape) is connected in the first place with Dark Ambient. Ideological Dark Ambient-musicians do not intervene in any political, moral or religious issues, their music is rather designed for the study of the universe. However, the imprint of the crises of industrial society on the whole often does the music a dark and joyless, but majestic. The most typical representatives: 'Lustmord', 'Deutsch Nepal', 'Raison d'Etre'. 8. Drone Ambient – this style is sometimes referred to as part of Dark Ambient, but it can be defined as self-sufficient.

Style originated from experiments German Group 'Maeror Tri', which had previously played guitar noise. In January 1993 one of its members Stefan Knappe created label Drone Records. Hence the name of the style. The label is still the basis of much of the Drone Ambient-projects. Drone Ambient music is enough original. It consists only of low-frequency buzz – drones, derived from the guitars, synthesizers and other instruments. Frequently used natural sounds, but their sound is also converted to drones. Computers sequencers are used very rarely, and usually, all the music is done 'by hand'.

Even for the recording used analog equipment. For example, 'Maeror Tri' guitar recorded their songs on the film, which in some cases, reproduced in the opposite direction, getting a very special sound. In 1996, the band broke up and now of 'Maeror Tri' no one person writes music under the name 'Troum'. As it says on their official website: 'Troum use music as a direct path to the unconscious, aiming at the archaic nature of the human soul.

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November 27th


Variety Of Fantasy

Fantasy as a form of literature emerged in the early XX century and our time to spread its influence to computer and board games, painting and cinema. Direction dates back to ancient Greek myths, and various medieval epics. In general, fantasy literature is based on arhitepicheskih subjects, such as Arturianskih legends. Andrzej Sapkowski pan so says the legend of King Arthur is the basis for most works of fantasy, as he tells his article "Pirug or no gold in the Grey Mountains." To build a world characterized by fantasy, which resembles the real Middle Ages, but with unique supernatural features such as magic, mythical creatures, perhaps even with their own physical laws. In this case no attempt is made to explain the world, even with pseudo-scientific point of view, as in science fiction – all the assumptions are made as it is (perhaps the action takes place in a parallel world or another planet).

The founders of the genre are Robert E. Howard (1932, "Phoenix on the sword") and JRR Tolkien (1937, "The Hobbit, or There and Back"). There are other views as to who all the same first author of fantasy, but let's leave this debate and literary scholars take up the sub-genres. An epic fantasy first work of this genre is considered a classic and unforgettable trilogy "The Lord of the Rings" Tolkien's, which spawned many imitators and followers. For epic fantasy in the first place is characterized by the magnitude of the prolonged struggle of good against the enemy heroes, having supernatural abilities and embody the dark side.

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March 3rd


Olivia Wilde

Equated with the comparison of "Avatar." There does not vertically, of course, Pandora homologous to the Planet. But here already created out of nothing. Not at all, I do not I wish to say that there is good or bad. I just want to say the opposite, as if it deserved as the minimum is not small hvalby than Cameron's service but his entire squad. A wardrobe! These glittering line on them. I guess not only in my home cinema later appeared insatiable desire to put this on yourself. Surprise conscious fights and trips to the huge kibermototsiklah, not sweeping behind him the prints still inspiring! Volatile battle! Umopomrachayuschee view. The movie was created by toy optical colors.

Even for this need to go and admire it in konozale viewing. Kinoaktersky train selected fine. By Jeff Bridges many questions and should not be. And what about the central role of the actor Garrett Hedlund was not sure as yet not seen him any movie. And he played at 100%! And it is interested! Olivia Wilde. Ah …

It is worthy of his review. But renouncing a few sentences, saying that she played well. Haircut, makeup and costume, this light look at her perfectly. There was impatience in the final kiss, but it did not and saw. Sorry … but would be a plus Hollywood cliche. Therefore live without him. Soundtrack. Daft Punk. Parisian craftsmen of electronic music. They were able to do just like music that is like no other possible approaches to the world "Throne". Worried, sympathize, worried … I gave them an Oscar, truthful word. I am writing a review, listening to songs and sight picture are single. Regarded separately in ten out of ten. Of course, all these things yet, and adds the effect of 3D. Improving the motion picture abyss, a great feature and bright paint colors. You can talk about the shortcomings and movies. But what is it? If the movie turned out so good! Shortfalls, lapses are common everywhere. Just sometimes perhaps we should not see them. Given that this was the final film in 2010, I want to say with firmness: "I am pleased that the initial decade ended on a high. He spent a dash among the high-tech films that today are gaining momentum, more and more. Eight out of ten. This does not mean little. This means excellent! Usually naivasshie estimates are movies with a slightly different semantic load. Thanks for the great motion picture! All the movies, who wants to get satisfaction from a truly good and beautiful film.

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February 8th


Walter Bruce Willis

The whole biography of Bruce Willis riddled incredible coincidences, the subconscious belief in his star and perseverance in seeking to achieve its goals. As expected from future savior of America, the biography of Bruce Willis began to military base in the U.S. armed forces in a military town in the West Germany in the spring of 1955. David Willis is not for nothing came of military service of the U.S. to Europe – this is where he met his future wife – the mother of Bruce, which bore him four children. After a couple of years after Bruce's father's life ended, and the young family returned to America in a small town in New Jersey.

Seeing the young Bruce's unlikely though someone suggested that the opposite He is a future star of American film industry. His appearance was not outstanding, he was very worried, talking to strangers, and suddenly began to lose his voice, speaking before a large audience. Win his shyness and insecurity, Bruce decided the original way – enrolled in dramkruzhok, where he worked on his speech and internal systems. Feeling once heady feeling, which gives people an impressionable mind audience and the magic spotlight, his whole future destiny of actor getting a chance to give to be back on stage. And another special property known biography of Bruce Willis – he persistent in seeking to achieve their goals. After an unsuccessful attempt to do something different from playing on stage, Walter Bruce Willis is trying to find the slightest clue to act.

Going to New York, he took part in amateur productions nyuyorkskih theaters agrees to bit parts in numerous films, serials, plays in the folk ensemble and looked forward to these roles. The popularity and the love Americans won the Bruce, having played in the series' Detective agency "Moonlight." It is noteworthy that Bruce was almost 200th candidate for the role of detective. Emmy Award, which was awarded to Bruce Willis in 1987 for his role in the series, became tangible evidence of recognition of his acting skill. But for the actor confirms that his childhood dream come true, was the role of a brave police lieutenant in the blockbuster "Die Hard". That is how he himself, and saw – a lone hero, a fighter with the world evil and defender of the galaxy. Biography Bruce Willis is generous in success, although there is in his film career is not quite brilliant films. Most importantly, the actor does not always change his principles, his own personal code of honor. He is American to the depth of soul, although fluent in the native language of her mother. His marriage to actress known for many has been the benchmark of family relationships and the ability to respect rights, even if fate had separated from him, we can consider the map integrity and purity of soul.

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December 16th


Art Reviews

REVIEW (from Lat. Recensio – 'check') – a review, analysis and assessment of popular scientific, musical, artistic, scientific, work, works of dramatic art, exhibitions, etc.; manner of criticism, literature, newspapers and magazines publication. Review generally includes: – the minimum permissible plot information about the product (or the subject of analysis and evaluation, which has no alpha map) – a clear or 'invisible' to relate the product (an object reviews) with other, related in theme and issues – properties of the product (object) with the emergence of perspective; place in the work of the private author in the creative process of the era, as well as in life public – a final assessment of the product author of the review. The initial objective review – a direct reference to the works of theater, film, music, literature, but in today's realities – and to a variety of events and items of material and spiritual world, which even before this, no one wrote (if possible), about which had not yet take shape public opinion. If you talk about this product (Subject, Labour) writer necessarily need to disassemble it for conformity of contemporary life: to evaluate it as nothing but a new phenomenon. It is a topical (in the best sense of the word) is the most sine qua non of any review. Variety reviews: – detailed annotation, which develops the themes of work, compositional features (music reviews) – condensed critical or journalistic article (and often controversial nature), in which the object is to review only a pretext for discussion of pressing social problems or the same literature – essays, it is more a lyrical meditation reviewer, inspired by watching, listening, reading works than its direct interpretation – samoretsenziya which sets out the author's view of his own work. Review, consisting of several works of art, not differing from each other thematically, thematic, temporal, or any other grounds, is a review (monitor of).

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December 1st

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