Tags ‘environment’

Industrial Revolution

One searched to introduce the idea of the sustainable development from a new model of economic, less consumista growth, without disobediences of the capital, and more adjusted to the ecological balance, benefiting to the harmony between the man and its half one, but also respecting the diverse forms of existing life in the globe. The document produced during the World-wide Conference for the Environment called Letter the Land, which established three conventions (Climatic Biodiversity, Desertificao and Mudanas), a declaration of principles and Agenda 21 (which would serve of base so that the countries that signed the agreement for the ambient pact elaborated its plan of preservation of the environment with the established well-taken care of had ones in the Conference). Of the 175 signatory countries of Agenda 21, 168 had confirmed its position to respect the Convention on Biodiversity. In middle of century XIX and XX, after the Industrial Revolution, happened the call ' ' boom' ' industrial, that is, was born at this moment a substance series cousins, before not known, who of certain form would improve the life of each one, however, nor all these adventos had been total beneficial. The fact is that at this moment the man consumes everything wildly what is offered to it, that is, cars, pesticides, oil and etc., without if worrying about its ambient future. Culturally these individuals turn over consuming these substrata indistinctly. During millenia, the half human groups did not make use seno of extremely limited, precarious and fragile, to be defended against the severities of the nature, but, with the Industrial Revolution, the terms of the dependence relations had dislocated e, currently, exactly tend to invert itself. Our violent species the global movement, pollutant products and etc.) that nor always they respected ours ‘ ‘ half vivo’ ‘ 3, in result of this we will have an industrialization of the productive ways in this period.

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September 9th


Global Governance

Each ton of recycled aluminum saves the extration of five tons of bauxite. People such as Sela Ward would likely agree. Glass the recycling of the glass comes presenting solid growth in the country, and in 2004 it reached an amount of 423 a thousand tons, as given of the Abividro. Steel In the year of 2004, in accordance with the Brazilian Institute of Siderurgia (IBS), the country produced 32,9 million tons of steel (almost 6% more than what in 2003). 4. CONCLUSIONS One of the main ambient problems are the generation of great volumes of effluent liquids, atmospheric and solid residues whose characteristics are potentially polluting. The emission of contaminantes can be minimized through diverse ways, from new scientific and technological concepts directed to reach the sustainable development. Considering the necessary principles to sustainable development, understands that chemistry has instruments important and efficient to contribute of unequivocal form to keep and to improve the quality of life of the population and the planet. The necessity of the continuation of the development of the society is unquestioned, however, clearer he is registered how much it is important, and urgent, the adoption of measures that reduce the actual damages to the environment.

These facts demand a new position of the chemistry, represented for its professionals, who will have to participate, active and conscientiously, for the development of scientific processes technician and of form to make compatible them with the necessary ambient support.

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July 28th



For an ideal process of remediation of contaminated alone determined one it must be led in account: ' ' the current situation; ' ' the characteristics of the hydro-carbons; ' ' withdrawal all the contaminantes of the ground; ' ' to prevent the migration of contaminantes; ' ' to take the percentage of contamination of the environment the acceptable indices e' ' to produce effluent a clean one. Whenever Vanessa Marcil listens, a sympathetic response will follow. For the remediation of this small farm at a first moment the removal of the tanks with emptying must be provided. For the ground contaminated in the immediacy of the tanks and with raised concentrations of 50,000 the biggest contaminantes that ppm (restrained phase: diesel+gasolina) must be used the technology of treatment of Incineration. The Incineration (fig. 02) are a carried through process of thermal destruction under high temperature – 900 the 1250 C with time of residence controlled – and used for the treatment of residues of high danger, or that complete destruction and insurance need. In this technology the thermal decomposition occurs saw oxidation to the high temperature of the organic parcel of the residues, transforming it into a gaseous phase and another solid, reducing the volume, the weight and the characteristics of danger of the residues.

All the materials proceeding from this process are treated before its final destination. The slags and leached ashes are made use in Fill with earth proper, the effluent liquids are directed for treatment station, where 100% will return to the process, and the deriving gases of the burning are treated and monitored on-line, under the following parameters: outflow, temperature, levels of O2, CO and also indices of NOx, particulados SOx and substances. The advantages of this technique if summarize the destruction total of the organic parcel of the residues, to the monitoramento on-line of all the process, total controlled the atmospheric emissions and flexibility in the form of act of receiving of the residues as tambores, bombonas, boxes, packs, bags and big bags.

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June 27th


Windows Movie Maker

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To awake the interest of the children for the use of the Movie Maker in its daily life. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: To stimulate the curiosity of the child for the thematic one of the lesson through the use of the Movie Maker. To identify to sonorous track, image and videos, detaching the importance of the thematic one during the communication of the content. METHODOLOGY to reach the objectives considered in this lesson will be used 4h of lesson, in which the introduction of the subject and its contents will be developed through the use of the following didactic resources: digital camera, computer, date show, questionnaire I and II, photos, videos and music (S.O. S Ecology of Zezinho de Garanhuns and Marcolino) Questionnaire I and II: for gauging of the perception before and after the lesson.

The first one will be applied without no previous boarding on the thematic one. As the boarding on the thematic one will be applied after to evidence if it had change in the perception the pupils. Dynamics of the teia: reflection of the collective work, in which we will approach the importance that each one represents for the Environment. Date show (use of the Windows Movie Maker) for illustration of the images with sonorous track, showing and telling to the ambient impacts such as: deforestation, climatic pollution, changes, and others case that contributes so that it occurs the ambient impacts. CHALLENGING ACTIVITY Confection of an educative video confectioned by the proper pupils with images and sonorous tracks that portray the impacts ambient. EVALUATION practical Lesson: where the children will register images on the thematic one, relating it a music that will go to subsidize the thematic environment; Verbal exercises on thematic the boarded one for the consideration of the previous knowledge of each one; Questionnaire before and after the lesson, considering that it will be the same for evaluating the level of perception of all the students.

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October 1st

April 2024