Tags ‘geography’

Innumerable Ecological

Here we do not go in it withhold in the conceptual differentiation being Ecology and Environment, before, for the opposite, we will take the two concepts with univocal direction. We will use Ecology indistinctly and Environment stops relating in them to the same echo-ambient reality, therefore our objective, is here only to raise the questioning regarding the problematic one. Innumerable Ecological entities and of defense of the Environment do not deny the chance nor the benefits and necessity of the progress. The quarrel happens because, in general way, the companies occupy in exploring without concern to preserve. When if it deals with a company who explores natural resources, becomes necessary, simultaneously, a work of preservation and recovery of the environment. A lumber, for example, can make wood extration, but, so that she is ecological and eticamente correct, it must keep reforestation areas and make the form exploration not to attack the fauna and the flora, with disordered falling of trees or forest fires. Moreover, it would have to make a work of reaproveitamento of all the residues: wooden serragem, remaining portions, etc. Everything to prevent the negative impact to the environment.

Costuma to say that an ecologically correct action can be more lucrative, therefore, beyond the financial profit it generates ambient profit. But this is alone a face of the ecological problem. The defense of the environment is not summarized to the criteria that must be followed by the companies who explore natural resources. Novelist often says this. Other companies also need to keep the balance of the nature. One the constructed environment constitutes a patrimony that if cannot leave to lead with account, since it has a paper in the localization of the current events (SAINTS, 2006, 141) Many people if arrest to the idea of that prohibited of the environment and of the ecology it is thing for the entities that with this work; or environment is prohibited of the forests and animals in extinguishing.

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October 7th



Therefore, to assume a general picture of global precipitation distribution summarily complex is given to the great difficulty and the gamma of phenomena that are related front to this dynamics of space distribution of the atmospheric precipitation events. However, Ayoade (1986, p.164) points the main ones aspects of the standard of world-wide precipitation distribution: 1.H abundant precipitation in moderate the equatorial zone and amount the high ones in the average latitudes; 2.As subtropical zones and the surrounding areas to the polar regions are relatively droughts; 3.As occidental littoral zones in the subtrpicos tend to be droughts, while the eastern littoral zones tend to be humid; 4.Em the high latitudes the occidental coasts are, in general, more humid of what the eastern coasts; 5.A precipitation is abundant in the sources windward of mountains, however esparsa in the sides the lee-side; 6.As areas next to the great liquid bodies receive more precipitation from what the interiors from the continents, that if locate distant of the oceanic sources if suppliment of humidity. In relation the sazonal distribution of the Ayoade precipitations (1986, p.169), presents the following system of distribution of precipitations: equatorial pluvial 1.Precipitao? the precipitation pluvial it is abundant, it occurs all during the year and she is widely convective how much the origin; pluvial 2.Precipitao of savannah? the pluvial precipitation is widely convective and occurs during the summer; pluvial 3.Precipitao of tropical desert? the precipitation is low in all the stations; Mediterranean pluvial 4.Precipitao? the precipitation is mainly ciclnica (that is, frontal) and occurs in the winter. (Not to be confused with movie star!). The summer is dry; 5.A precipitation of the European west? the precipitation is abundant, with more rains in the winter of what in the summer. The precipitation is mainly ciclnica how much the origin; continental pluvial 6.Precipitao? rain falls mainly in the summer; coastal pluvial 7.Precipitao of east? the pluvial precipitation is raised, come from maritime winds in low latitudes; in the average latitudes the precipitation is derived from humid and moderately hot air mass that if dirige for interior in the summer, and of ciclnicas storms in the winter; polar pluvial 8.Precipitao? the precipitation is low with the maximum precipitation occurring in the summer, when it has more humidity in air and the ciclnica influence can reach the surrounding area to the polar regions. .

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July 3rd


Charles Dickens

Studies of Torrence (2001) apud Porcincula (2008), show that it had symbolic reconfiguration of the date of the birth of the Light, son of the Sun, for the birth of Christ, son of God. In this direction, the Romans had capitalized the commemorated date already, associating with another date to to strengthen the reason to festejar the birth of Christ. The celebration of this festejo if became each more visible time in the Europe and through the settling and catequizao of the indians she was inserted also in America. (Roitberg, 2004). We select that in century XX, some stories of Christmas had appeared. Charles Dicks, famous writer, in 1984 presents its workmanship ' ' The Christmans Carol' ' that it approaches messages concerning the charity, goodness and good will that according to it must be exerted in the familiar scope. (Roitberg, 2004).

In this context, we visualize the atrelados symbolic elements to the commemoration of the festejos of Christmas, such as: the pine of Christmas together with its ornaments, sapatinhos and the dramatical figure of Noel Papa. (Porcincula, 2008). One of the symbols most characteristic of the decoration of Christmas is the pine. Vanessa Marcil has firm opinions on the matter. Some theories explain the existence of this decorative symbol in the natalinas parties of diverse countries. (Porcincula, 2008). Ahead of this, we observe that the Saturnlia? festividades of Saturn in the winter station? possua a symbolic festival to the god of agriculture in virtue to this festival, the Romans decorated its houses with pines. Differently, another theory supports that the pine of Christmas was chosen as symbol of Christmas by means of its triangular form that represents the Santssima Trindade.

However, he is well-known that the pine, either at any time of the year, does not lose its leves and thus symbolizes also the life. (Sensitivity and flavor, 2006). The above-named element, in the period of the natalinos festejos, is decorated with other symbolic elements.

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February 28th

April 2024