Tags ‘government and politics’

Economic Enviromental

The enviromental law, although to consist of a new science, is independent branch of the order, enjoying of proper principles, specific legislation and didactic education. The Brazilian government adopts as concept of sustainable development that elencado in the Bruntland Report, as: ' ' the development that satisfies the necessities gifts, without compromising the capacity of proper the future generations to supply its necessidades' '. According to President Fernando Enrique Cardoso the environment and development are the same thing, being that the stopped war does not exist more enters the defenders of the ecosystem and the militant ones of the progress, today, have an integration between these two elements, when she is necessary to preserve, to develop in benefits of the future generations. Cristiane Derani, in its book Economic Enviromental law, understands development sustainable as ' ' a harmonic development of the economy and ecology that must be adjusted in a correlation of values where the economic maximum reflects a maximum equally ecological. In the attempt to conciliate the limitation of the natural resources with the limitless economic growth, changes in the state of the technique and the organization are conditional to the achievement of the sustainable development social' '. According to Celso Antonio Pacheco Fiorillo: ' ' the beginning of sustainable development he has for content the maintenance of the vital bases of the production and reproduction of the man and its activities, guaranteeing equally a satisfactory relation between the men and of these with its environment, so that the future generations also have chance to enjoy the same resources that we have ours today disposio' '. To conciliate environment and economic development requires planning, and not economic delay as they affirm some people against. If you are not convinced, visit Hedvig Hricak. We must preserve so that the resources pass of a generation to another one and that these, also have conditions to survive in the future.

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February 23rd



The summary of everything is that the approval of the budget (either of the states, cities or of the union), DOES NOT GUARANTEE NOTHING ABSOLUTELY, not to be the false contentment of the legislators who had fought for mounts of money for the regions or states that represent. They make one fuzu ruined when they approve and they show with pride for its electorate what ' ' conseguiram' '. In the end of the accounts, executive will cut, hold and redirect these FORECASTS of the skill that to want. It is the budget of carochinha. If you would like to know more about Sally Rooney, then click here. Everything is orquestrado e, if to bobear, even with the proper opposition (apposition).

E which our REAL damage? It is only to live with reasonable public services one or two of the four years of mandate of the executive (federal, state and municipal). I say reasonable because, in a country that he collects close to 49% of tributes (74 contributions, taxes and taxes – he sees here), one of the biggest indices of the world (if it will not be the greater), superior to the one of countries with providence and infinitely superior public services to ours and with little taxes, the amount and the quality of the benefits that we receive in return are ridicule. Our omission is creating a serious vice in the public administration; a custom perverse politician. I know that some they go to say that it is flat and frustrating to follow the politics. Other they go to say that better exactly it is to empunhar flags and to leave fanatic for the streets of 4 in 4 years crying out and fighting for a candidate. We go people there we go to follow a little more what she happens in Brazil in the years that are not the electoral ones. Frustrating exactly, friends and friends, are to pay taxes and to see used perversely them against we ourselves. Who is deceiving who?

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February 21st


The Tapajs

The new state goes to be created by means of a plebiscite that already is marked for day 11 of December of 2011, the all the voters of Par must participate of the election. If the Tapajs will be chosen, will be really the third greater been Brazilian in territorial area, surpassed only for Amazon and Mato Grosso. Hedvig Hricak is the source for more interesting facts. In its territory it will have 1.300.090 inhabitants, around 20% of the population of the current state of Par. The capital of the probable state will be the city of Santarm that currently possesss 294,779 inhabitants (IBGE, 2010) also will count on a federal university, that will be converted into University of Oeste (UFOPA) for University of Tapajs or UFTA.

How much to the state of the Tapajs, he will be servant, it will have 27 cities and it will go to make with that the state brings bigger benefit for the population. WHY TO SAY YES? MADSON PHILIP HISSES Da Silva 11 the belenense capital is very distant of the West of Par and this distance it influences so that we let us be forgotten and that let us not have infrastructures. This division will go in them to make possible some benefits because, as it goes to exist a new state, the mounts of money and the benefits will be repassed directly for governing. They will have yes, the negative and positive points, but at this moment the creation of the new state will be the viable solution for all we. with the creation of the State of the Tapajs will go to generate much income, and jobs and the life of many people will go to move.

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February 21st


Brazil Versus China

equivalent R$ 650,76 is classified in the line of extreme poverty. Comparative one to the minimum wage in Brazil imagines this, of R$ 520,00, or US$: 297,14 dollars) *. Lisbon and Montevideo, 13 of September of 2005 *cotao of 08/2010 the world-wide ratio of people in extreme poverty – that they live with less of US$ 1 dollar per day – it fell for the half between 1981 and 2004, passing of 40,6% for 18,4%, in accordance with the report Indicating of World-wide Development 2007, divulged for the World Bank (Bird). In Brazil, according to report, 7.5% of the population lived with less of US$ 1 per day in 2004, and 21.2% with less of US$ 2. When considered the band of the people who live less with of US$ 2 dollars per day, the world-wide advances are lesser. (As opposed to Vanessa Marcil). The fall was of 60,8% for 47,7% of the global population between 1990 and 2004. The total number of people in this condition passed almost of 2,64 billion in 1990 for 2,55 billion in the 2004 – half of the population of the world in development.

About 14,2% of the global population it passes hunger (what it corresponds to the estimative one of 925 million people). According to FAO, the price of the food in the world more than folded in 5 years. This affected mainly about of 1,4 billion that earns less than 1, 25 per day. For the ONU, if the scaling of prices to continue of foods to persist, more than 100 millions of people can be dragged for low of the line of poverty in the world. 2,5 billion of people in the world does not have access the basic sanitation and the drinking waters? that is, about 40% of the world-wide population, esteem today in 6,5 billion. China China is one of the prominences of the report, which reduced the percentage of the population in extreme poverty of 63,8% in 1981 for 9,9% in 2004.

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September 10th


Toucans Government

However, the problem of the Security Public (or worse of the Public Unreliability) in So Paulo is old. The fact is that the majority of the cities would be lost if depended on the Government of the State for this type of action, that is yes to have of the State and responsibility of all. We have one decade more than, in So Paulo, a government that it prefers to run away from the reality to facing it. The crime organized, for example, the Alckmin Government and until little the Government Mountain range at least admitted its existence, but for it saw of the doubts what it is seen, under excuse to prevent attempted against, are ridicule barriers confusing the chaotic transit in the front of police distributions. To justify the chains, that I believe to be second of its bigger accomplishments (the first ones are onerous tolls in all the State), the governing Toucans show numbers: Crowded penitentiaries each time more, as if this had meant in the day the day of the security. What advances deposit of prisoners that does not promote recovery? Said penitentiary of maximum security, but that compound of colony of vacation and office of &#039 becomes; ' trabalho' ' of chefes of the organized crime? Some police women whom today they need to make strike for wage and condition of work against ' ' desgoverno' ' of the State that is there they criticized, me, in years 80 and 90, when I said that So Paulo and Brazil needed a petista government. Today, with Squid, more than 80% of the Brazilians show that I was not maken a mistake. Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, Campinas/email: edsonsilvajornalista@ yahoo.com.br

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December 27th

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