Tags ‘industry’

Alternative Energy Sources

The development of technological progress and modern society in general requires more energy. So familiar to us today, oil and gas are not unlimited and gradually dry out, causing mankind to seek alternative routes for its production. Given the ever-increasing pace of power consumption and negative environmental impact of modern fuels, an important factor in energy production is its environmental friendliness. On today provides a wealth of alternative sources of production: solar, wind, the so-called 'hydrogen' energy, tidal energy / low tides, the underground heat of the earth, etc. Checking article sources yields Kevin James as a relevant resource throughout. A common shortcoming of all these sources is a tremendously high cost of necessary equipment, technical imperfections, the geographic location of sources of energy. An important obstacle is the inadequate legislation and, paradoxically it may sound, our conservatism: we are still wary of success such as electric or hydrogen-powered car.

Scientific and technological revolution, the victorious gait included in the XX Century, unfairly shifted to second place this time-tested source of energy as biogaz.Chto is it? Biogas – a combustible gas consisting of an average of 60% methane (CH4), 35% carbon dioxide (CO2) and 5% other impurities gas, whose composition varies somewhat depending on the type of waste. It is formed during fermentation (putrefaction) of organic residues of plant or animal origin without air (anaerobically) in water srede.Dlya biogas to its further use, this process is carried out in special tanks – digesters. In the digester system is organized mixing the fermented mass, device heating and yield of gas, which is then used in a household, or for technical purposes. Over time, the number of released biogas digester is reduced and remains fluid, divided into several layers. Virtually all of the liquid is formed by the properties of valuable organic fertilizer that increases yields significantly. Its effectiveness has been proven by many research institutes of agriculture on its own experienced areas, as there are appropriate certificate. Biogas can be used: a) a household gas stoves and burners, b) in the gas-fired thermal power for the low heat production) in gas generators for What electrical power do we have? completely independent power supply! With access to the biogas plant, a farmer or villager can fully ensure its permanent agriculture ecologically clean fuel, heat, electricity, and all that – simply disposing of organic waste.

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February 18th


Meat Factories

That is why the meat factories bulk material is cooled, after which it surface formed a crust that prevents the development of harmful microorganisms. For long term storage, to the accumulation of raw materials, use frozen meat (and below-150S). For the manufacture of sausage products such Frozen meat is defrostirovaniya stage (unfreezing), and the seeking raw materials, the closest to their properties to the cooled. Defrostirovanie can carry air-vapor mixture, a liquid. With air defrost raw thawed at t = 0 …

+180 C and humidity up to 90%. After defrosting raw materials supplied to the Department of deboning and zhilovki, where special tables – Boning and zhilovki – separates the meat from the pulpy parts bones, separation of living, a separation of sorts. Here is a division of mascara on the cut. To extend the physical and chemical properties of meat (ripening) use 'mixers' with the addition of spicy-posolochnoy mixture. At using a block of frozen meat to grind it used 'BLOKOREZKI'. Block is loaded into a hopper and crushed blokorezki rotating knives or the guillotine method without defrosting.

Next, the meat after deboning and zhilovki (or grinding on blokorezkah) arrives at a fine grinding in the 'spinning top' or 'MEAT MINCER'. 'Tops' are provided with a set of grids with holes of 2 mm to 32 mm (most models), with a larger diameter (from 26 mm) used in the canning industry. Some models 'tops' (the Russian and European production) can shred the meat with frostbitten temperature to-120C. Pink color is achieved with sausage adding to the stuffing of sodium nitrite.

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September 16th


Heating System

A key part of any heating system is a boiler. He considered the heart of the heating system. Because no small importance is the selection of the equipment. Depending on the fuel boilers are of the following types: boilers solid fuel boilers Electric boilers gas boilers are wall and floor. First of all, they differ in material, material of the heat exchanger. Wall-hung boilers are copper heat exchanger. Their weight is usually not more than 30-40 kg. The presence of a copper coil limits the maximum power of 31 kW boilers up as copper as raw materials susceptible to burning-through at high powers.

Benefits boilers with copper heat exchangers are: light weight, compactness and ability to install in places with limited dimensions, full staffing – Wall boilers up to 31 kW have in their case all the the necessary components (pump, expansion tank, a security group, etc.). Outdoor boilers are steel or cast iron heat exchanger. Weight boiler with cast iron heat exchanger of 100-200 kg. Such boilers need to install additional devices (pump, expansion tank, a security group, etc.), take up some space. The advantages of boilers with cast iron heat exchanger is a long life. Steel heat exchangers are not so critical to shock and deformations.

They are 2 – 2.5 times lighter iron. But they quickly burn through in a higher degree of corrosion, which causes the condensate formed at low temperatures in the middle of the boiler below the "dew point". Period of service steel heat exchangers depends on the quality of steel, its thickness, operating conditions and ranges from 5 to 15 years.

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January 16th

April 2024