Tags ‘philosophy’


Fashion: an ethical reality and aesthetic Joacir Soares d? Abadia* the fashion always is dictated by the creators, the estilistas. But this does not fit to say that the fashion does not have limits. In this in case that, the limit of the fashion perpassa all culture, not only for being variant, but over all, for the same limit of the fashion. According to Saussure philosopher, ‘ ‘ the fashion, that fixes our way to dress, is not entirely arbitrary: if humano’ cannot go beyond certain limits of the conditions dictated for the body; ‘. Which is, then, the limits of the fashion? The limits of the fashion are the conditions dictated for the body and the ethics. In this way, if the limit of the fashion is the human body _ in its way to dress _, because models parade naked in some passarelas? The naked, by chance, does not exceed the limits of the fashion? What it is, therefore the fashion? The fashion is an art to cover the naked. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Celina Dubin. It as art ‘ ‘ it obtained to establish a bridge between the beauty and the life. The fashion is an art that if uses, that it is taken for the street; the one is a consumption art that all have acesso’ ‘ it says philosopher Manuel Fontn de Junco.

This function to dress to cover the naked takes to question me it on until point some aberrations in passarelas are really fashion or if they are something immoral that they are become into redoubts into which ‘ continues to consider the woman as one; ‘ coisa’ ‘ sexual. This coisificao of the present woman in ‘ ‘ world fashion’ ‘ it eliminates completely, not only its transcendental dimension, as the values constitute that them as person. This coisificao can be visualized in diverse contexts, as in the parades of fashion in which ‘ ‘ top models’ ‘ they are ‘ ‘ obrigadas’ ‘ if to adjust to the clothes proposal for the estilista, while it would have to be the opposite, the clothes is that it would have to be adjusted its body. With this, ‘ ‘ top models’ ‘ if they equal or if they lower to the thing, in its conscience and its spirit leaving of side its dignity while person. According to philosopher Ana woollen Sanchez Neita, ‘ ‘ the tracer cannot forget the dignity the person when materialize its creations. The clothes it has that to serve to point out this dignity; therefore they have felt the critical ones that they become to a type of fashion that shows the woman as one objeto’ ‘ , that is, as a thing. The ethical and aesthetic implications that the fashion must excite in the society are: first a respect to the dignity of the person and later educating these people in relation to the fealdade, to the taste I exaggerate for it, the extravagrancy, the disforme and the aggressive one E, finally, to consider the words of the estilista Ted Lapidus on the elegance: ‘ ‘ to know to look at itself with the eyes of outros’ ‘. That is, to dress well consists to not only take in account the particular taste, but before everything, it is necessary to consider the other e, consequentemente, the society which if is inserted.

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November 6th


Confronting Effect

Secondly, you need to analyze their internal sensations during intercourse. You may want to visit Jorge Perez to increase your knowledge. Of course, we are not talking about extreme attack. Typically, in this case, the victim simply did not have time to realize what was happening. When the hypnotic impact of man falls into a state of pleasant tiredness is starting to get pleasure from the hypnotist's voice, a feeling of drowsiness, thoughts begin to "blur", the world goes to the second plan, clearly perceived only voice the hypnotist. From the outside it is particularly noticeable. Victim's face relaxes, becomes like a flat, pupils dilate, the view becomes still and misty, the skin turns pink, man frozen in an unnatural position. Ben Bretzman spoke with conviction.

Confronting What do you do if during a conversation you suddenly realized that the effect on you. First, during negotiations, any communication, be aware of their own purposes. As soon realized that you begin to sidetrack, return a conversation in your direction. If you feel that you "ship" go into the inner trans, disconnecting from what is happening around – concentrate on any memories, imagine any event or action. Good protection may be forming an imaginary protective walls between themselves and opponents. While visiting Neringa little "a", you thereby miss much of the past suggestions and again can to start negotiations. Fairly strong protection is an internal monologue. Someone felt the impact, prays, but someone remembers your favorite verses. The effect of one – manipulation is no longer valid because of the disruption of contact with hypnotist. If you still do not get out of the state of lethargy (and sometimes hypnotized even aware that it affects not want to leave a pleasant trance), the best way is a complete rupture of the contact – you just get up and leave.

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September 14th


Maximum Happiness

They are not with the uninterrupted drunknesses and parties, nor the pleasure that provide to the adolescents and the women, nor to eat fish and all more than a rich table it can offer that they constitute the source of a happy life, but that sober reflection who examine deep the causes of all choice and all refusal and that it rejects the false opinions, responsible for the great disturbances that if take possetion of the soul. Principle of everything and well supreme is the prudence. Therefore, it is still more worthy of esteem of what filosofia.' ' (Epicuro, Letter the Menequeu. In: Moral, Epicuro: the lights of the ethics, 1998, P. 93) According to Epicuro, Nor always the pleasure attract what it has of better. Nor always pain attracts what it has of worse.

' ' No pleasure is in itself one badly, but the things that provide certain pleasures cause sufferings to the proper times biggest that prazeres.' ' (Basic Epicuro, Principles. In: Moral, Epicuro: the lights of the ethics, 1998, P. 93-97) Such citations of Epicuro, are exactly the one that if relates as the attractive one, of that the search of the proper happiness is supposedly unquestioned, of the other people’s happiness, on the other hand, it is a questionable objective, a time that the people possess varied interests and that they will obtain to be pleased, some times take off the happiness of others. The third and room attractive suggests, respectively, that moral subjects, to the principle, can be determined by empirical calculations; that never will exist certain or wrong options, exists however, what it is, or it leaves of being the best thing if to make in the set, therefore all the options is valid and can be evaluated leading in consideration the beginning of the Maximum Happiness. Such attractive ones are complemented by Epicuro that considers that the happiness alone if reaches with wisdom, knowing to differentiate and to choose the pleasures, being based on the analysis of the consequences. .

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July 21st



The control next to the human being, about the life, that is physicist, is the feelings the Feelings is capable to transform, dreams realities and futures. One of the things that the man has of more value to express its feelings is music. Musics have as much power, that it obtains to attract or to repel people. Musics exist stop: Gotten passionate, Amargurados, Happy and sad, Of incentive or I discourage, Louvores and Adorao. The machine Human being dances the compass of music, and the mathematics of the heart. We can sing for being glad, or Ouviz it to cry when to music it brings the souvenir sad moments. We can sing for being gotten passionate, or Ouviz it to cry a jealousy. We can Sing to thank or to attract the Peace. Who more only can choose the radio that its body goes to syntonize is you yourselves. Then is the question Which is the music that you want that its body has touched Today?

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November 30th


Astrology. Influence Of The Eleventh House Natal Chart To Life

Black Moon (Lilith) in the leading possession (monastery) in Scorpio. In junior possession (monastery) – in Capricorn. In exile – in Taurus and Cancer. In the exaltation – in Pisces (the same place and Venus, the supreme seduction). In the fall – in Virgo. White Moon (Selene) in senior possession (monastery) – in the Taurus. In junior possession (monastery) – – in Cancer. In exile – in Scorpio and Capricorn.

In the exaltation – the Virgo (virgin – spiritual wisdom). In exile – in Pisces. Northern, Ascendant (Rahu) lunar node in the -exaltation in Gemini (the pupil). In the fall – in Sagittarius (the teacher). Southern, Descending (Ketu) lunar node in exaltation, in Sagittarius (the teacher). In the fall – in Gemini (the pupil). Zodiac Aquarius symbolically corresponds to the eleventh home natal chart. Influence of the eleventh house natal chart on human life eleventh house indicates the degree of freedom in his life from the influence of fate, the various and unexpected incidents, changes and developments.

All new, innovative, unconventional and original in one's life. Possibility of correcting the man of their own destiny. Ideas and aspirations of human life beyond the traditional framework – from the present into the future. Participation rights in collective creativity. His work in groups. Eleventh house indicates the relation of man to friends and friends of people to him. Depending on the parameters associated with the eleventh house (in the natal chart person) Friends will be many or few. Friends of the Rights will be faithful and loyal and unreliable and treacherous.

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December 29th


The Instrumentalizao Of The American Cinema As Ideology Form And The Necessity Of The Rescue Of Cinematographic Culture N

Introduction If to ask for some people what they could associate with the word ' ' futebol' ' when hearing this vocbulo, certainly will immerge of immediate form and almost universal in its minds the image of ours celebrates former-player Skin, or same, our Brazilian election; or still, if to make this exactly test inquiring now the possible association that can be made with the word ' ' comida' ' , for example, it will appear in the mind of the majority of the people, the feijoada plate, or some another typical plate of the brazilian arraiais, or food related with its daily experience. This phenomenon happens because, seems to exist a relation summons, between soccer and Brazilian election, or culinrio and feijoada plate. But in regards to the word ' ' filmes' ' , what it could be waited, with certain degree of rightness, when requesting a relation of words with vocbulo in I appraise? Positively we would get, associations as, Man-Spider, Matrix, Titanic, Rambo, or any another commercial film holyhoodiano. In Brazil, unhappyly, the films in a generalized manner, which is consumed as merchandise in such a way for the cinfilos as for stratus poor of the population (more than what never now on account of the easiness of the DVD and the diffusion of the piracy of films between the poor persons), differently of other elements of our culture, as genuinely Brazilian music, our culinria, etc. are not original product of our culture, of form that the films produced in the foreigner, par excellence the deriving films of the United States, enclose all the reference and cinematographic culture in this country. This so marcante cultural phenomenon, namely, the true domain of the American films on the national ones, serving first to an ideology macabra, added to a preconception, and cultural lack, on the part of the population, in what it refers to the national films, is not limited to the cinema, but also it is referred art of the quadrinhos.

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June 6th

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