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Residential Insurance

Safe from my house, reason to contract? My house is good, constructed well, electric wiring well is conserved, is all gradeada The mother nature does not inform when she will go to order a very strong wind, with force enough to raise the roof of a house. Some plans of Residential Insurance exist. exists some coverings that the times run away from the public knowledge and that they could tranquilizar very and in an accident, as well as to make use of some enclosed services in the product of Residential Insurance. Services of chaveiro, cleanness of the water box, I fix of household-electric, installation of magical eye, revision of the electric installation, etc Are some benefits that can help to improve our house, beyond protecting against unexpected damages. Laura Plomers opinions are not widely known. In a gale occurrence that comes to damage the roof, the residential insurance will be able to send a fast attendance to prevent greaters damages, placing a canvas until I fix it is provided it definitive of the place. In one in addition key, could be requested the substitution of the same one. Click George Laughlin to learn more. ces is open to suggestions. In case that the damages disable the use of the residence fix during it, the rent guarantee will go to indemnify a corresponding rent until the workmanship is ready, since that contracted by the necessary stated period. Without mentioning the Electric guarantees of Civil liability, Damages, Robbery of good, rupture in the tubings, expenditures with change, fall of aircraft, impact of vehicles, casualties, glasses, beyond that the cost of this type of insurance presents accessible values very, Basic are to contract with the guarantees that its necessary property, and that the same ones take care of its expectations. To know its particularitities, what it has covering and what does not have covering, to never forget this..

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May 20th



In the logic of the consumption society the leisure has been rank as the promise of the great cultural industry in which its mercadorizao has moved away the leisure as a social right. such merchandise has if approached as well as the others, of practical of consumption In moving the relations human beings, these start to transit, together, as the merchandises, for ' ' society of descarte' '. That is, the discarding of produced goods is observed; the discarding of the values, the steady, at last the search of forms most immediate and tangible styles of life, relationships of relation human being, and, with this, of forms of search of the pleasure in which the other is alone of ticket. In this perspective, the leisure passes to be conceived, therefore, as a mere entertainment, promoting the alienator distraction to escape of the tdio and to kill the time. (WERNECK, 2000).

The artificializao of the processes of relation between the people, at the leisure moments, as lan-houses, has moved away people of the personal contact between same they and the nature. To each day new necessities are generated by the market marketing and, with them new requirements are imposed culturally. The people adentram in a process of alienator consumption in which they do not perceive plus its real necessities, but the necessities produced for others. On the basis of this exposition, we understand that this implies to think the leisure, in a contraposition perspective, while space of creation of the playful manifestations. The leisure in fact represents the rest of the daily one, but it does not have that to imply at a moment to stop to think. The leisure in an ample perspective has to accumulate of stocks the rest and the human development from the freedom aspects, autonomy, creativity and pleasure. in this line that we agree to authors of leisure area as Marcellino (2006), of that the practical ones of leisure have to represent spaces of cultural production, on the basis of the cultural interests of the leisure, in which the people can feel active in the process.

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November 21st


Marco Antonio

It is evident, that ' ' traio' ' , come to constitute as a characteristic psychological or neurofisiolgica she is intrinsically on has a convergence of behaviors, which ' ' indivduo' ' that not to delineate itself in its vertices of incredulity, it will be alicerado to a conjectura of sensations of defendant collective and privacy to the esquecimento, auguring a perjury of I came to be honored with the grotesco emblem of chacota in relation to the world which they are inserted. Let us see that in shining of ' ' history of homo-sapiens' ' they transcorreram, fallacies of promises of improvements of pluralsticos aspects (universal suffrage, liberty of speech and the press, equality for all) that antagonistically they had come to usurp atrelados rules to the good-sense of ' ' maiutica' ' , as in the case of Nazism, elect for the free vote, or in Brazil as a good example of ' ' treason poltica' ' Vargas, desestruturado emotionally and politically for the unscrupulous interests of the capital is esmiuado in the image of Getlio foreigner, seeing its rationalism to gradually diminish before a dull arregimento of opening of Brazil the foreign capitalists, contaminating its nationalistic yearnings, going more on this side in the longevity of the historical one, the loving triangle formed by the Roman generals Jlio Cesar and Marco Antonio, ardilosos of libido in relation to Clepatra queen of Egypt. Not obstante, which would be the future the limits between one ' ' traio' ' of calientes lawsuits of insaciabilidade of ambition and desire, opposite the subsidies angariados for the revolt against ' ' status quo' ' of the moment ' ' agorfobo' ' next to the escrnio of search for ampler freedom? ' ' Fausto' ' in its affliction of esgarar a border without limits in its acumen of fraternizar one to know total it was seen ludibriado by ' ' Mefistfeles' ' , Shakespeare in its dramaturgia, exasperou that ' ' traio' ' if it subjects has an interlacement of desarmoniosos whims of the unconscious human being, conjuring an existential guardianship of realistic materialism, arquitetando its existencial function in providing as virtue, only what eyes see and what the heart catches. .

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October 8th


Elvis Presley

To illustrate what I want to say, I offer a simple and direct example: If we fossemos to auction a normal penxs how much we would obtain to collect? Certainly not more than what some cents. if such penxs were announced as used favourite penxs for the famous and deceased singer Elvis Presley? After such information without a doubt none an incommensurably bigger amount of what the value in fact would be collected. In this example, the penxs is supervalued by having belonged to a celebrity. Therefore, it is not the object and yes ' ' load of fantasia' ' projected on it that it makes the difference. Still on the example of the penxs, the true reason for which some would give everything to have it, appears implicit, disfarada of harmless eccentricity. Who purchase the penxs of the singer Elvis Presley, thinks unconsciously to buy proper Elvis Presley, or to be more accurate, what it represents as Pop symbol.

As dolo Pop such singer is very desired, and that one that hypothetically came to possess a thing of this celebrity, would usufruct (at least in the field of the internal fancies) part of its prestige and fame, it would be loved in transference for that they venerate and they consider important the famous singer. In the deep one, the purchaser strong desires to be desired and to be loved by many, to obtain this, it uses a mercantilista strategy that of the support the candy illusion to exist from the desire of the other. In the consumption theory the manipulation of ' ' desejo' ' human being and its consequent use with commercial purposes, configure one of the basic reasons for the expansionista success of the consumption society. That one that purchase a pretty imported car, certainly does not make it for its utilitarian value, unconsciously aims in the truth to awake the other people’s desire, thinks about being loved and being desired through what it possesss materially.

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July 14th

April 2024