Tags ‘society and culture’


Sailing in the Internet I see many advantages and cons to hit that &#039 entered for Trending world-wide Topics; ' There if I you pego' ' I do not want to enter in the merit of the letter. From the controversy that music has caused I started to reflect on the personal taste of each one is it: musical comedy, politician, football, ideological, sexual, etc. the humanity already evolved very in regards to respecting the gostos and opinions of the others, but still we are very distant of that this is a universal rule. I defend the idea of that the majority of the conflicts that already we still had in the past and we will have in the future, are in virtue of the intolerncia. To respect the taste and the other people’s opinion is an impracticable exercise for many, this generates animosidades in the diverse sectors of the society causing of a simple evil to be, until religious conflicts, politicians, social, ethnic and so on.

In Brazil music has caused one badly to be mainly in the musicians ' ' conceituados' ' that they do not obtain to breach the national borders with its melodies. The paranaense Michel with its music ' ' repetitiva' ' it is enters Top 10 of the You world-wide Tube. In twitter the subject is enters the most commented, but let us agree to criticize is easy the difficult is to respect the other, this yes is that it is that is lacking for some intellectuals. Some foreign songs are idolatradas and sung for the Brazilians, but most of the time many fans nor know what they say the letters of musics, many of these letters are offensive and of a bad generalized taste.

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December 8th


The New Cinema

In this way if it intends to understand the existing crossing between social cinema and relations, in view of that such social representations are characterized by the existing exchanges between individual and society, being understood that seventh art can serve of palco to unchain it of such manifestations of exchange. 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF the BRAZILIAN NEW CINEMA Of the many concepts of cinema bred around of the world the Brazilian New Cinema was sobressaiu that was had in our country as ' ' the great annihilator of the cinema convencional' '. Related Group might disagree with that approach. Differentiated of other cinematographic styles this new form of flmica construction cineastas made to grow in Brazil the interest of a composed group for young, a necessity to almost run away from the North American aesthetic standard and its characteristics that if came back, that solely for a type of commercial film. ' ' The New Cinema looked for, over all, a cultural independence for the Brazilian film. This did not mean to have only national subjects, but to find a cinema capable to translate the reality on the basis of national aesthetic authentically brasileira.' ' (FIGUEIRA, 2004, P. 31) the bankruptcy of the great cinematographic producers of So Paulo in middle of the decade of 1950 culminated with the sprouting of idealizers who bet in the cinema of social critical matrix. Completely inserted in the process of affirmation of the favored groups less, Glauber Rock and plus a series of cineastas and thinkers of the time the passions observed the cinematographic movement as being the liberator of all, and in its many speeches added: ' ' I continue closed with my position of a cinema third-mundista. An independent cinema of the economic and artistic point-of-sight, that does not leave the aesthetic creativity to disappear on behalf of a commercial objetividade and of a imediatismo poltico.' ' The citation of Glauber Rock summarizes the thought of the young cineastas of the time that had interest for productions of low budget directed toward the Brazilian reality.

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August 11th


Nobel Media

Sincerely, I believe that it is better to cultivate and to commemorate victories of what to make bitter fracassos.' ' They imagine then if Squid was indicated to the Prize Nobel of the Peace? &#039 went to rain millions of letters; ' hard and cidas' ' originated of our white elite, colonized reactionary (that they are part only of 4% of the Brazilians who disapprove the government Squid, against 87% that they approve) destined to the integrant ones of the Real Swedish Academy; condemning the indication of Squid. By the way as Nobel happened with certainty with the other Brazilians indicated to the Prize, our elite conservative destroys heroes, descontri personalities, beyond defaming and inventing lies on them. ' ' Darcy Ribeiro costumava to say that we have the elites most reactionary of the world and those that more internalizaram inside of itself the settling process that implies to submit it foreign you, to always consider dependents of it, and to keep advantages as subordinate partners and aggregates, to never oppose ele' ' , it analyzes the theologian, philosopher and writer Leonardo Boff. It identifies that this strategy still is in vigor in the mind of the elites Brazilian politics, that had always been lined up to the power of the moment. First England, now U.S.A.

' ' Great part of the media is the extended arm of the economic elites. It is a media enterprise and commercial whose interests are directly on to the interests of national either international the capital either, knowing that both if entrelaam' ' , Leonardo Boff explains. ' ' Therefore it is a media that has as control point U.S.A. as hegemonic nation. For this reason always they are lined up to the external politics of this pais.' ' The success of the Brazilian diplomacy is festejado in all part for foreign governments and the international media.

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June 22nd


Cazumb Periodical

This, because, the tourism is a somatrio of several factors, and these cannot overlap one to the other, as well as not if it can consider one more excellent of what the other, mainly, as for the cultural aspect of So Lus, has seen that this is sufficiently expressive in the city, to the point of granting the headings to it of ' ' Description-Cultural patrimony of the Humanidade' ' of ' ' Brazilian capital of the Culture 2009' '. The first one, granted for UNESCO, thanks to its quantity architectural and description. Already as, in recognition to the literary tradition and the ludovicenses popular manifestations. In this context, it is of utmost importance to cite the many benefits that a city gets to the elect being as ' ' Brazilian capital of the Cultura' ' , detached for Rasp (2009), being the main ones: increment in auto-esteem of the population that will feel part of a project in common, social inclusion of the favored sectors less economically, cultural enrichment of the citizens, national and international promotion, valuation conservation of the historic site and increment in the tourist flow with the consequent attraction of investments and prescription for the city. As the current secretary of tourism of the city, Liviomar Macatro, in an interview given to the Cazumb Periodical (RODRIGUES, 2009, p.8): So Lus goes to earn in some aspects with this heading.

The city will attract many investments, due to the direct envolvement of the ministries of the Culture and the Tourism. more tourists will be attracted for the city, because a series of events is being programmed for this year. Everything that to happen in the city in cultural terms, especially, will gain a visibility well bigger. From there the importance of if creating new options of entertainment in the city, come back, mainly, toward the segments natural and cultural, as already so it was pointed out previously.

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August 20th


Tourism GLBTS

Considered one of the segments most promising of the tourist activity currently, Tourism GLBTS of what many imagine are constituted in great parcel by individuals with ample social level, economic and differently cultural. The conquest for the free expression of its sexual orientation made with that the homosexual public happened to require new forms of shelter for satisfaction of its desires and how much visiting necessities. This public is worn by the good taste and, mainly, for the expressive income that allows that they consummate more I obtain same in its trips. For this reason, abrolha a new highly lucrative market, however still limited for the shelter of this increasing demand. Still thus Brazil cannot be meditado as the itinerary preferential International, not obstante either the most searched inside of Latin America.

Events as Carnival and Stops of the Gay Pride, carried through in many Brazilian capitals, to each year attract a bigger number of the whole world tourist. This corroborates the respect to the citizenship and the diversity. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Tony Parker. Already agencies specialized for public GLBTS exist in Brazil, however, the convencionalismo still is one of the biggest impediments so that this segment if adolesa of fixed form. Unhappyly, the opposition of some cities in investing in this new market, great part for clear preconception is observed visibly. He is current to hear stories of who search tourist services directed toward the homosexual public, on the refusals of consent of couples gays, from fear of not the agreement on the part of the habitual customers. This type of coercion is ' ' comum' ' in the hoteleiros establishments, and this attitude ratifies how much the Brazilian tourism still lacks to be amadurado on the part of the public spheres and by the private initiative. They exist exceptions with obviedade, since many entrepreneurs already had understood that this public spends much more of what excessively, although this, still is unprepared to receive them for taken root values from intransigncia with what they are considered outside of the standards defined for the society. For this reason, hotels specialized in gaining the homosexual public abrolham, but if to stop pra conjecturing we will go to intuir that this attitude enclaustra still more the paid community gay that for the offered services as any another visitor. Notadamente trade tourist Brazilian needs with urgency to adapt itself for the efficient and igualitria reception of this public. Porventura has the ones that believe that the existence of distinct attendance is excellent so that they are hindered you corroborated cultural shocks, the least while the society to show prejudiced and inflexible. It is from this problematic, that we conclude the colossal responsibility of the professionals of the tourist branch, since these must be deloused of preconceptions, but, over all to have bold vision to invest in this magnificent and little undertaken alternative one of immissions with guarantee of concrete return.

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April 23rd


Education Developing

In this way, we believe that the cycling can and must be worked in the school, therefore the professor collating the knowledge that received in its formation and its creativity, can create and carry through methodologies so that the teaching of the cycling occurs in way adjusted for the school. As the cycling possesss different utilities, as competition, way of transport and leisure, then this sport possesss many contents that can generate innumerable quarrels and problematizaes. Working the cycling based on the critical-emancipatria conception, it is important to stand out that the education of this sport cannot park only in the objective question, that is, in the practical one, therefore cycling is not only to walk of bicycle and to know the techniques of each test of the cycling, is of extreme importance to together work the social matter of the cycling, contextualizando with the pupils, the diverse utilities of a bicycle, providing debates on the subject, searching to know first of the pupils what they understand for cycling, and thus to be developing methodologies that will go to be working the diverse utilities of the cycling. As well as also being developing the critical and reflective side of the pupil, searching the interaction of the pupils by means of the cycling, making with that these pupils reflect critically on the cycling in our society, where it is used, as he is used. thus to search a clarification on as the cycling would have to be used, that changes in the society if could reach with the practical one of the cycling. thus, by means of the content ' ' ciclismo' ' it is possible to be developing the objective side, with practical lessons and activities that develop the question of making. It can still be developing the social side by means of the cycling, with reflection on the practical one of the cycling as physical activity, as a form of competition, rights and duties in the transit, way of transport that aims at the sustainable life, leisure form that it provides diverse physiological and psychological benefits, among others innumerable reflections. .

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September 21st


Red Hot Chili Peppers

Who never tanned at least a time in the life a good Rock? and Roll! The rhythm that appeared in the United States in the end of 40 years and beginning of years 50, quickly was spread for the world all and made success. The Rock is a rhythm with weight and personality. To compose a good melody a mixture of some instruments is used, is they: Guitar many times more than one, battery, contrabass. At this time great names had appeared as Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Little Richard these had been the ones that had marked the first steps of the Rock. After that the rock was creating form, in years 60 was a rebellious and full style of trespass, the names that had participated of this face had been, The Beatles, Liverpoll, Bob Dylan. In years 70 rock started punk, pop rock and disc music, with the bands Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd Genesis. In years 80 it was when the rock appeared in the television through the MTV canal, in years 90 started a mixture of the rhythm, had started to appear bands as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Green Day.

But if you really are interested yourself for the history and the culture of rock, today obtains to find in the Internet diverse blogs and sites with these curiosidades and much more information. In the Rock Around The Blog, it is possible to find recent discografias, histories on bands and substances to keep informed forever you. Legal of this blog is that it is bilingual, all the texts is in English Portuguese and. This already is the rock andownload, you confers all the discografias for download, with gratuitous histories and still superficially downloads. Rock and roll is one blog complete and always brought up to date well, with histories on bands the culture, letters and translations. Valley the penalty to confer and to follow. If you liked these blogs, you go to obtain to find many others in the Internet. But if you do not only want to read and were with will to also have one blog, are super simple, are enough to have access the site Click gratis and to create its proper one on the subject and to share with all what you know better of on the Rock and Roll.

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July 20th

April 2024