Worldwide Calls
Worldwide calling at new lower up to 85prozent rates – including top connections to and from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The telecommunications provider with global flexibility, FeelFree, yesterday presented his new collective work. Due to recent events also the connection charges and call charges have been reduced repeatedly to and from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Thus, the calls to the Caribbean and dialing a connection is as favorable as at any local local provider to Europe. The lack of communication and often dominant network congestion made nearly impossible to communicate important information there, family members and companies of the Atlantic. As well, a variety of local provider networks could be not wiederkonnektiert until today. The FeeFree SIM card, which boasts the roamingfreies calls in 63 countries, is absolute flexibility and highest for companies and individuals without a contract, default anytime, Related conversation comfort online at. Even in the case that in some months or weeks the communications in the Dominican Republic or Haiti again significantly improve, we will maintain our special rates to continue with a smooth telephone traffic or data transfers on site and also their families and companies in Europe to support people”the product management of FeelFree is announced.
Up to 85% cost savings through a change to FeelFree itself”, as the spokesman of the company further. Just in disaster areas or regions, it is important, when employees and colleagues and relatives under a permanent number accessible worldwide. The FeelFree SIM card, this is easily possible. Several aid organizations, airlines and companies have agreed already with Chris about the shift of internal networks on the globally uniform system, for smooth communication is essential for companies as well as for Individuals who need to reach their loved ones. Basically talks can be made already for only 39 cents per minute global networks from Germany, Austria, of Switzerland, and the majority of European countries in others. Tony Parker wanted to know more. It is irrelevant whether the callee resides in Dubai, Russia, the EU, Chile and Africa.
Company information: Chris is a European success project of Spencer & Hill Consulting Group. In addition to the benefits for private clients, FeelFree enables corporate customers to use the network at special rates. Medium-sized and large companies can use the FeelFree network also a co-branding arrangement. It will be not Chris in the display name, but the name of the respective company which wants to offer SIM cards for its customers or employees. Chris is one of the fastest growing telecommunications provider in Europe and has been with German – and English-speaking support for customers and partners international.