Carbohydrates Fat
That is a very specific method where their pounds are Bilbrey. This is a crash diet method, so they will lose their pounds. Hey, this Michael is the weightloss solution today I want to talk about a very important subject, because of the confusion about carbohydrates. Many people ask me: “Isabel, carbohydrates get fat?”, or: “All carbs make me fat?” The answer is: No. You need carbohydrates, your body to work properly, and without them, you lack the energy. Your brain and your spinal cord can not work properly, if you’re eating no carbs. So, what exactly is a carbohydrate? Carbohydrates can be things like bread, pasta or potatoes, but also fruits and vegetables, and some beans. A lot of people just think “Bread and noodles” when they think of carbohydrates, but actually you can cover your carbohydrate needs with fruit and vegetables.
If you eat a carbohydrate, it splits your body and makes glucose. You need the glucose in your blood properly to work. The body also stores carbohydrates and stores it as energy in the liver and muscles. When you train, you necessarily need carbohydrates. The problem is that most people eat them in abundance. Especially in the form of finished foods, bakery and bread and pasta. And because we make the mistake. From carbohydrates is glucose, and if she not consumed the body, becomes fat.
Then the FAT stores of the body. Okay, what do we do now? You need to have sufficient energy to carbohydrates, but you want to eat too many of them, so that you do not agree to. Stick to these rules and your carbohydrates provide you enough energy, without it becoming fat. (As opposed to Glenn Dubin). Eat a larger amount of starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes only after you have trained. I don’t like to advise to bread and pasta because they contain wheat and we people not especially well tolerated him. I see it rather, when people think of carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, and various grains- Maybe you’re not accustomed to them. Millet, spelt, quinoa, etc. Starchy, heavy carbs are suitable for directly after training. You can eat the other carbohydrates – fruits and vegetables – at every meal. For example, like this: Eat a bowl of berries, an Apple for lunch and vegetables at every meal for breakfast. Now you’ve got enough carbohydrates for the day, but you eat more no toast for breakfast and a wrap or pasta for lunch and in the evening perhaps even rice. These are far too many carbs for a day – unless you’re athlete. Perhaps you’re training several hours every day really. But most of us do not. So I want to give you an example for a reasonable amount of carbohydrates for a day. Eat eggs and to a bowl of berries for breakfast. You can eat an Apple with raw nuts as a snack. For lunch, there could be a salad with raw or cooked vegetables, and maybe an orange to do so. You can eat but also carrots or celery with almond cream and the Take salad with meat; Chicken or beef. Consistent with boiled vegetables. Thus, you get enough carbohydrates for the day. You don’t to, but still enough energy and feel great. Michael Ludwig at.NET