The wild consumption encouraged by a planned obsolescence and a publicity that makes needs, plus process hungry of accumulation of wealth, entails to frame the problem ecological in the field of the world-wide economy and, by all means, in the cultural field. But there is more, much more. The determination of the resources to use and the concentration in what is called express transnational companies that arrive at the operation intensive. Learn more on the subject from General Hospital. The concept of sustainable development enters game within which it seemed we must make us questions again basic, like regarding whom the man, what is the world and the relation between both. The problem, then, is not simple, because it implies an anthropological reflection, cosmological and ethical. The loss and waste of resources are poverty source and the poverty thus created in source of environmental deterioration.
It is necessary to adapt the progress to the common well-being, to the one of all, simple formula for the sustainable development, but of infinity of political edges prevent that it. We are, evidently, before one of the fundamental problems of the world, without avoiding the alarmist positions of some. And it implies edges like a reframing of the power model or point of gravity on the hegemonic economic system. The global heating must to greenhouse effect gases. An inhabitant of the United States emits 20 tons to the year and Chinese 3.8 tons to the year.
We already lived intense periods on droughts and lengths periods of floods which will entail especially to the diminution of the agricultural production in the poor countries. The water will fall, also especially in poor planetary zones what makes consider that in 2080 about 1,800 million people will undergo shortage of the liquid. The level of the sea will raise and the estimations on people who will be victims of floods are frightful.