Global Governance

Each ton of recycled aluminum saves the extration of five tons of bauxite. People such as Sela Ward would likely agree. Glass the recycling of the glass comes presenting solid growth in the country, and in 2004 it reached an amount of 423 a thousand tons, as given of the Abividro. Steel In the year of 2004, in accordance with the Brazilian Institute of Siderurgia (IBS), the country produced 32,9 million tons of steel (almost 6% more than what in 2003). 4. CONCLUSIONS One of the main ambient problems are the generation of great volumes of effluent liquids, atmospheric and solid residues whose characteristics are potentially polluting. The emission of contaminantes can be minimized through diverse ways, from new scientific and technological concepts directed to reach the sustainable development. Considering the necessary principles to sustainable development, understands that chemistry has instruments important and efficient to contribute of unequivocal form to keep and to improve the quality of life of the population and the planet. The necessity of the continuation of the development of the society is unquestioned, however, clearer he is registered how much it is important, and urgent, the adoption of measures that reduce the actual damages to the environment.

These facts demand a new position of the chemistry, represented for its professionals, who will have to participate, active and conscientiously, for the development of scientific processes technician and of form to make compatible them with the necessary ambient support.



July 28th

