Industrial Engineer

Selection and design of tools and equipment. Design techniques of facilities, including the disposition of buildings, machines and equipment for handling of materials, raw material and product storage facilities. Develop practice operational. Development of control systems for any costs, such as budget control, cost analysis and cost standards systems. Development of the product. Design and/or improvement of planning and control systems: the distribution of products and services, inventory, quality, maintenance of plant engineering or any other function. Design and installation of information systems and data processing.

Design and installation of wage incentive systems. Development of measures and labor standards including the evaluation of systems. Planning the installation of industries. Operations research including items such as analysis in mathematical programming, simulation systems, decision theory and reliability of systems. Design and installation of systems for offices, prosecutions and policies.

Organizational planning. Establish standards to evaluate yields, including measurement of work and evaluation of systems. Participate in the design, management and evaluation of inventory management systems. Estimate production capacity. Determine the physical location of the installations. Design and evaluate the plant distribution. Use and keep up-to-date information systems. Improve and innovate the production or service processes. Control and production processes, through the different types of control charts to interpret. Apply the statistical interpretation to participate in decision making in manufacturing, and recommend actions. Participate in the optimization of production and manufacturing processes. Developing programs and systems to measure productivity. Studies on technical and economic feasibility of the installation and implementation of industrial enterprises, etc. Safety, health and environment management of human resources Industrial maintenance management and the quality Control of quality. Family ISO technology management research and development finance management improvement and optimization of processes teaching Conclusion the industrial engineer is a professional who plays a very important role for the operation of enterprises and organizations, which has a training of generalist that enables him to professional practice in virtually all of the technical areas of the industrial enterprise, both in the resolution of the technical problems in the design and implementation of new technologies in the productive process. Generalist training of the Industrial Engineer, as pointed out by Orlando Martinez, covers areas as varied as mechanical engineering, management of manufacturing, electricity, electronics, new materials, energy and environment addition, combined with an adequate selection of electives and elective allows the intensification of knowledge in specific technical areas.



February 12th


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