Informative Reference Book

Extensive encyclopedia on the topic puzzle on in the last few months has shown that interested many puzzle fans for the various information from the world of puzzles. This may result is a comprehensive editorially prepared puzzle lexicon which provides lots of interesting and surprising details around the topic puzzle. Missing in sorted alphabetically neither interesting descriptions about exclusive puzzle special series like the Flokati Edition with a velvet surface by Ravensburger, yet interesting information about many puzzle artists and manufacturers. Many painters and artists want to give certain messages interested viewers with their works on the way. Our glossary will help to decrypt these messages and thus provide an additional Legevergnugen in the later completion of the puzzle motifs. Because the various thematic areas of the puzzle world are covered in the new reference book on, also experienced puzzle lovers in one may be or other surprising information about his own favorite hobby are happy. The editorial staff sees the knowledge puzzle encyclopedia”as an important part of the platform and the encyclopedia in the future will expand to insightful articles belonging to the”Puzzle”. Media contact: WEIG GmbH on the Moor 2 92665-Altenstadt a. d. Waldnaab Mr Franz Trescher telephone: 09602/9449165 fax: 09602/9445907 email:



July 11th


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