From neighborhood platform neighbouring Madrid Center want to denounce the media pressure that some restaurateurs Madrid are exerting on the Madrid City Council, against the protection of the fundamental rights of the citizens of the district Center. Much of the 150,000 residents of the area suffering from an unbearable situation as a result of the disproportionate concentration of annoying activities linked to leisure and tourism. Surprisingly, the frivolity with which the merchants are able to interpret a problem of such complexity as it is the noise associated with the nightlife, especially when there are scientific methods that demonstrate that there is a real problem and is not an obsession of the neighbours, as some of these entrepreneurs contend. The perverse effects that on health and coexistence has the nightlife in the district center of Madrid are explained, in our opinion, follows: 1.-the origin of the problem is in the management of licenses for troublesome activities of the city of Madrid has come doing over the past few years, forgetting the basic needs of residents, such as is being able to sleep, and contrary to guidelines that marks the General urban Plan, whose legal mandate is binding. The consequence has been the opening of countless entertainment venues, concentrated in a reduced space of the city; Unlike what happens in most of the large cities of the first world where troublesome activities linked to leisure are spread throughout the city to avoid perverse consequences on the resident population or even focus on non-residential spaces. 2. The lack of true management of the indiscipline of these activities by the City Council, either by lack of means well by lack of political will. Serve as an example the existence of dozens of local that they exercise activities without a license of activity, or the hundreds of premises engaged in activities other than those authorized.

November 11th
Tags: ayuntamiento-de-madrid, centro-de-madrid, derechos-fundamentales, hosteleros-de-madrid, plan-general-de-ordenacion-urbana, today