Invitro TV

Invitro TV is a new portal of fertility and assisted reproduction, such as for example the in vitro fertilization techniques.Our aim is to bring patients and stakeholders all possible information in relation to this exciting field.Invitro TV offers a global Guide to meet all those doubts that may arise for persons with difficulties to achieve a pregnancy naturally. For this, we count with the collaboration of numerous professionals in the field of assisted reproduction and in vitro fertilization who offer us their knowledge in a comprehensible and entertaining.Our web site is organized around five thematic areas defined (infertility, Actualidad, Invitro TV, dictionary and centres.) in which all those who are interested can find informative articles, tips and ultimately all information that may be useful for each case in particular.Infertility and sterility: this section is the information necessary to resolve doubts that may arise before starting a treatment in vitro fertilization and during it, as the causes of infertility, diagnostic tests that determine them, and the wide range of treatments available.News: All news and news related to the field of assisted reproduction are published daily in this section.Videos: This section corresponds to the paragraph’s self-produced videos, in which renowned professionals we respond and clarify various issues that are of interest to patients.Dictionary: Section which defines all the specific words in the field of assisted reproduction and in vitro fertilization.Centers: list updated of all clinics infertility of Spain, with their contact details and latest news.All these doubts and contents are shared among users of Invitro TV through our integrated by more than 1500 users community of facebook (, which is the largest community of patients of treatments of assisted reproduction in facebook of the world. In it, patients can share their experiences during treatment as well as expose your questions, which are answered by collaborators Invitro TV experts.It is noteworthy that our greatest interest that the contents that integrate Invitro TV are essentially informative and serve as a great help to all those couples and women who purport to be mothers and have difficulties to get.Close author: Complete articles by a team of Invitro tv for free IVF tips and ideas please visit:, a comprehensive resource for a pregnant women.. . Additional information at Marc Lasry supports this article.



December 8th
