National Security
It is registered, in this episode, the sensitivity of the composer to perceive the desire and the necessity of the public. From this moment, it would speak of the people, for the people, for the people, through its innumerable workmanships. There Chico started to read the soul of the people. A new cycle of Brazilian music started there. In the following year, the Law of National Security entered in vigor and the dictatorship pressed the wall on who disagreed public with the government.
Chico, in a harvest of talentos we rarssimos, disagreed. Learn more at: Jorge Perez. The Gilberts Gil, Caetano Veloso, Milton Nascimento and Roberto Carlos were finalistas of the Festival of the Song of this year, competing between itself. Chico would also make success with ' ' Viva' wheel; ' , interpreted for it and group MPB-4, friends and interpreters of many of its songs. Until then, everything what he was sung in the country, that was not erudite, was classified as Brazilian popular music, of chula of Pampas to the baio northeastern. The arrival of these composers to the end of the 1967 festival gave another meaning to acronym MPB.
Intuitivamente, music if purified from the convergences of some sonorous elements that perpassavam the national cancioneiro all. A noise so next to the popular culture, so beyond the regional one that it made success in all country. It was the dream of the people, was the face of the people, was popular and she was Brazilian. At the same time where age of quality, music arrived at the public of different form. Before, the first contact was through records, of the radio, now was born in the festival, where the people learned, he twisted, he sang and later she was presented in the radio and the television already with the letter in the mouth of the people. The people made the success, later bought records.