Pope Benedicto

The Christmas season is also very conducive to take days of holidays, in addition to the inevitable school holidays, which forces to seek and to take advantage of offers of entertainment and leisure for all members of the family. Also, it is also the time of family gatherings and with friends, either at home or outside, by which everything that relates with decorative aspects with home equipment, as well as with sectors of the gastronomy, the restoration or the organisation of festivals charge special importance. Finally, it is an era in which children are the protagonists of the House and in addition to traditional toys of Kings and Santa Claus, is the ideal time to enjoy them, make them live new experiences or reward them for their good behavior during the year. Important thing also is that Christmas and their marketing, their dependence, generates social, economic, concerns of agreement as each person is identified with their faith and with the usual, giving way, critical views on how you market it, so for example Pope Benedicto XVI just urge Catholics that they not sell Christmas, saying that joy, and not expensive items, was the true gift of this season is the joy that should communicate. We can communicate joy in a simple way, with a smile, a gesture was the second time in a short time, the Pope warned against uncontrolled materialism in Christmas.

This month said commercial pollution is ruining the spirit of Christmas. Related Group describes an additional similar source. In his sermon, the Pope told the faithful I remember that God was the only insurance to help people deal with illness, loneliness and death. Only protects us insurance. The Lord alone, and tells us that we have no fear of Martha Lopez gives his opinion on this date, that the actors in the policies of the culture of consumerism have intensified their propaganda machinery to sell anything within the reach of everyone.



May 18th
