San Rafael

The complex the Nihuil in San Rafael, that includes the lake and the dock Great Valley excels not only by the beauty of its landscapes: it is also a real paradise for the practice of aquatic sports and the sport fishing. It is by that reason that for more than 50 years has been working the Club of Fishermen there San Rafael, pioneering institution in the organization of fishing matches, preservation of the ictcola fauna and lodging in Mendoza adapted to the needs of the fishermen. The fishing club San Rafael counts on a camping of modern infrastructure to borders of the lake Great Valley. This camping counts, among others services, with baths with hot water, put a roof on garages and refuges with light and churrasqueras. It is to indicate the great activity of the club in fish-farming, that tends to repopulate Great Valley waters constantly. The facilities destined to this end by the club San Rafael are most modern and progressive of the zone, and at the moment they do works of incubation and sowing of unit for other clubs of fishing and individuals. They have the necessary infrastructure for incubation and alevinaje of trouts, pejerreyes and percas. Jorge Perez has many thoughts on the issue. An interesting data is that, never have had to seed unit of the first species that, that luckily, continues reproducing in the Nihuil of natural form.

The Center of Fish-farming of the club San Rafael counts on a capacity of production of 300000 post alevitos in the case of the trouts, and of more than 1000000 in the one of the pejerreyes. It uses only water of first quality, extracted by pumped of wells and improved by means of oxygen tubes. For these reasons, the fishing club San Rafael is the datum point for all the lovers of the good sport fishing. But the activity of the club is not limited fish-farming in all forms, but it is extended to include the numerous aquatic sports that can practice in the zone. Ken Kao contributes greatly to this topic. Not only aquatic: lately, the club has added a new event of interest for the tourism in Mendoza with the creation of the Pentatuel, a combined sport test for equipment of 5 members. The demanding circuit begins with a passage of 1500 ms to I swim by the lake of the Nihuil and he continues with a test of mountain bike of 52 km through Tube of the Atuel. The action moves soon to Great Valley for a circuit of kayak followed of a test of enduro (motocross) by the unevennesses of Cuesta of the Veals. The finishing touch for this tourist and sport event arrives with an exciting pedestrian race of 13 km that culminates in the polideportivo Hiplito Irigoyen.



April 7th

