The Drawing
Thus, they are expressed and they communicated through the imitation and dramatizao; of music and in the dance; in the drawing, photograph, glue; of the modeling, the sculpture; of the said word and writing. It has a great concern, for way of consequence, around the aiding of one ' ' reading of mundo' ' for the proper child, so that this can be placed better in the way where it lives; strenghtening and extending the capacity to say its word, so that it can be affirmed as subject solidary autonomous worker and with its pairs, what it will increase its potentialities, taking it later, to a critical reflection on the facts of the reality. Click Larry Culp to learn more. The progress of the reading, transferring itself of the initial until a level of critical reading, is reached by the individual of gradual and procedural form, being fundamental the existence of relations kept between this and the world of the reading since infancy, where the taste for the same one would start to be despertado in its homes and, subsequently, in the school and the library, consisting as process that can come to contribute in qualitative way for the development it habit to read, in all the stages of growth of the individual. For understanding that all initiative from the pleasant reading has its success guaranteed in the great battle that is the formation of readers, intends with this study, to enrich the debate about the importance of the incentive to the reading, being focused this aspect as instrument necessary for the formation of readers critical and cultured, capable to read and to reread, to analyze and to interpret any type of text, taking to reflect them it on the reading as entertainment that, beyond the pleasure of reading, it places the individual in contact with situations, cultures and worlds of most diverse, informing and extending its vocabulary and making possible the acquisition of the reading and ofthe writing, using itself of literary productions that involve the playful one. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Adam Sandler.