METHODOLOGY in intervention with families family is a component of the first order of the social reality of the individual, so there’s always that have presented at study level of intervention. You may wish to learn more. If so, The Spurs is the place to go. In the action with families can consider three modes depending on the problems: 1. the family as core or intervention unit. 2. The intervention coordinated in various family subsystems. Many writers such as Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City offer more in-depth analysis. 3. The multiproblema families. The family as the nucleus or unit of intervention in this case, we refer to families that dysfunction at the level of communication, relationship, are fundamentally i.e.
when family, poses a problem or need that has been generated as a result of lack of communication or by inadequate or unsatisfactory communication guidelines for its members. The family educator will work with these families dysfunctions named in order to change them or at least make them explicit and understandable, always bearing in mind that we have a system with its own operating characteristics and that our task is to help recover or acquire pattern that allows you to achieve your goals. Paragraphs that we can pinpoint within this type of intervention are: to) study and initial diagnosis: first of all there is to do a detailed study of family characteristics that must necessarily include:-family structure: description of the characteristics of the members of the family, which assume roles, etc. – family interactions: how that family system interact to address the needs of individuals, with specific consideration of the marital, parental and fraternal subsystems. -Functions of the family: activities to do to meet their own needs. -Cycle in which the family is: peculiarities of the same, coping mechanisms, situations of stress, etc. – extrafamiliares interactions: consideration of informal networks (extended family, friends, etc.) and formal. -Means of cohesion indicators: closeness, support, decision making, shared workspaces, etc. – Indicators of family adaptability: structure of power, standards in the relationship, etc.
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