Archive for July, 2012

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Who never tanned at least a time in the life a good Rock? and Roll! The rhythm that appeared in the United States in the end of 40 years and beginning of years 50, quickly was spread for the world all and made success. The Rock is a rhythm with weight and personality. To compose a good melody a mixture of some instruments is used, is they: Guitar many times more than one, battery, contrabass. At this time great names had appeared as Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry and Little Richard these had been the ones that had marked the first steps of the Rock. After that the rock was creating form, in years 60 was a rebellious and full style of trespass, the names that had participated of this face had been, The Beatles, Liverpoll, Bob Dylan. In years 70 rock started punk, pop rock and disc music, with the bands Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, Pink Floyd Genesis. In years 80 it was when the rock appeared in the television through the MTV canal, in years 90 started a mixture of the rhythm, had started to appear bands as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Green Day.

But if you really are interested yourself for the history and the culture of rock, today obtains to find in the Internet diverse blogs and sites with these curiosidades and much more information. In the Rock Around The Blog, it is possible to find recent discografias, histories on bands and substances to keep informed forever you. Legal of this blog is that it is bilingual, all the texts is in English Portuguese and. This already is the rock andownload, you confers all the discografias for download, with gratuitous histories and still superficially downloads. Rock and roll is one blog complete and always brought up to date well, with histories on bands the culture, letters and translations. Valley the penalty to confer and to follow. If you liked these blogs, you go to obtain to find many others in the Internet. But if you do not only want to read and were with will to also have one blog, are super simple, are enough to have access the site Click gratis and to create its proper one on the subject and to share with all what you know better of on the Rock and Roll.

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July 20th


Elvis Presley

To illustrate what I want to say, I offer a simple and direct example: If we fossemos to auction a normal penxs how much we would obtain to collect? Certainly not more than what some cents. if such penxs were announced as used favourite penxs for the famous and deceased singer Elvis Presley? After such information without a doubt none an incommensurably bigger amount of what the value in fact would be collected. In this example, the penxs is supervalued by having belonged to a celebrity. Therefore, it is not the object and yes ' ' load of fantasia' ' projected on it that it makes the difference. Still on the example of the penxs, the true reason for which some would give everything to have it, appears implicit, disfarada of harmless eccentricity. Who purchase the penxs of the singer Elvis Presley, thinks unconsciously to buy proper Elvis Presley, or to be more accurate, what it represents as Pop symbol.

As dolo Pop such singer is very desired, and that one that hypothetically came to possess a thing of this celebrity, would usufruct (at least in the field of the internal fancies) part of its prestige and fame, it would be loved in transference for that they venerate and they consider important the famous singer. In the deep one, the purchaser strong desires to be desired and to be loved by many, to obtain this, it uses a mercantilista strategy that of the support the candy illusion to exist from the desire of the other. In the consumption theory the manipulation of ' ' desejo' ' human being and its consequent use with commercial purposes, configure one of the basic reasons for the expansionista success of the consumption society. That one that purchase a pretty imported car, certainly does not make it for its utilitarian value, unconsciously aims in the truth to awake the other people’s desire, thinks about being loved and being desired through what it possesss materially.

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July 14th


English Culture

For the two children in alfabetizao process, Renato had 7 years and sister 5, with a mother who was English teacher, this phase was very well used to advantage. During the time where it was in the United States, Renato it shot up in the English language. The domain of the language of Shakespeare and Beatles, facilitated, later, its passion for the rock, that had beginning with the white album of quarteto British, Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. Its daily one, that it contained diverse notations, including some in the interval of the writings with the Urban Legion, was written total in English. In the return for Brazil, Renato continued its formation in the branch office of the English Culture in the Island of the Governor. Later, in Brasilia, after to conclude its formation, it became, also, professor of the school.

In 1978, Charles Prince, of England, passed for Brasilia in official visit. One of its commitments was the inauguration of the new headquarters of the English Culture. The 6 chosen professor to greet it in a speech of spotless pronunciation, in day 13 of March, was Renato Manfredini Jnior. Renato was not an endowed super child, of these that if deprived of the doura of infancy. It played, swam and freed pipe. But exactly since small, the leadership instinct boiled the flower of the skin. Even though in the tricks with the sister and the neighbors, Renato was the principal actor, the scriptwriter and the director.

The coadjuvantes papers were with Carmem Teresa and the friends. Drawing all the sidewalk Finishes the chalk, has construction brick I scribble the sun that rain erased. (Renato Russo.

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July 13th


Concluding Exercise

Unless you are able to be one hour followed without stopping making abdominal. Really nobody is able the accumulated lactic acid would not allow it (that sensation of quemazn that ends up appearing after a few repetitions). If in addition we resorted to the absurd thing, we put like example a person with overweight and a waist of 120 centimeters (we go away to an end). She dedicates herself during a month to do thousand abdominal daily ones. Nothing else.

Neither cardiovascular, nor muscular exercise of any other muscle, nor dietetic good behavior. You think that after a month it will have a wasp waist? Logically the rest of the body will not have thinned anything, since it will not have trained it. I believe that the unique thing that she will have obtained is a good backache Concluding. The located thinning does not exist. Yes that exists the proportionate thinning (as far as distribution) and progressive (as far as time).

The base: global exercise and good feeding. To exercise abdominal muscles or of the legs is necessary, but not more than the rest of the musculatura. Therefore with working them a pair of days to the week it is than sufficient more. Concerning health you will be covered, and at aesthetic level simply it will provide a smoother aspect to you of the worked zone. , By the way most important. No bases your objectives in the aesthetic one. We know that it is there, and nowadays cannot deny that it is important to have a healthful aspect. But fjate more in your health. Facing the forms, each has hers. It accepts yours. It thinks that, since we have already seen, if you are wide of pelvis you have all the numbers so that most of reserves are going to stop there. It tries not to accumulate that reserve, and is conceited of your curves. And please, you do not resort to the surgery. trains your conflicting zones only a pair of days to the week. It takes care of your feeding. And quirete as you are.

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July 3rd

July 2012