Archive for July, 2019

Music Education

Music this gift in the society since the times most remote, it says precedes it, therefore in the principle the communication was for sounds and, always the same one was given to a great valuation. In the community Greek music was one disciplines of them obligator in the education folloied of others as the mathematics, the grammar and geometry. In Brazil, music was enclosed in the pertaining to school education through Canto Orfenico, proposal implanted by the Musical Educator Villa Wolves, in then the Government of Getlio Vargas. But with the time it was losing its space with the introduction of disciplines Artistic Education in the resume, which if formed the generalista professor who had that to lecionar music, visual arts, theater and dance. In this generalista system what it occurred it was that the professor explored the language that it more dominated in detriment of the others, and with this music was losing its space. The evasion of music in the school took some musical educators, musicians artists and professionals of music if to mobilize for the approval of Law 11,769 of August of 2008 that it deals with the obligatoriness of the education of music in the Basic Education.

In the acceptance of the law it was vetoed some paragraphs for then the president of the time, Incio Luis Lula da Silva, who vetoed the paragraph that demanded a professor graduated the area. This vetao comes against the LDB (Law of Basic Lines of direction) that it conducts the education, the same one demands a professional of superior level. The law it has provoked innumerable quarrels between pertaining to school educators and managers. The same one comes with the obligation of being one does not discipline the part in the resume, can be offered the pupils as extracurricular activity happening in the one against pertaining to school turn, could be worked inside of disciplines Art, this who goes to decide is the collegiate managers and. On the question of if having a professor specialist it goes to depend on the reality of each city.

If this will be possible? Excellent! Who earns is the pupil and institution. One expects that the law is applied and that music comes to return to the educandos the joys that they are lived deeply in the daily one through music stops inside of the pertaining to school environment. That the same one can contribute in the formation of thousand of people with its benefits that already had been proven by some scholars. That public politics in this direction can be carried through so that the same one functions as an antidote in the construction of the character of that they will have access. Either of which form to come, with graduated professor or not, as it disciplines or extracurricular activity, that the same one can fulfill to its paper of transformation and change in the life of the people. Alive music!

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July 29th


Tolerance Intolerance

It grants to your spirit the habit of the doubt, and to your heart, the one of the tolerance. Georg Very different Christoph would be our atmosphere if we knew to handle the tolerance suitably, to cultivate it, especially in a planet where there is much aggressiveness, conflicts, hatred, wrath pronouncing in war in the heat of 21st century, countries with anxieties of being able, generating actions that are not assertive by the ambitions of the power and control of the world to a price and alarming social cost. It is not possible to be denied as comments. Tony Parker does not necessarily agree. The development of the tolerance and the confidence in the diverse communities are not obtained overnight; he is something that requires time and efforts. To establish the tolerance supposes the access to the education. The intolerance usually has its roots in the ignorance and the fear: fear to the stranger, " otro" , to other cultures, religions and nations.

The intolerance is also closely ligature to a feeling exacerbated of self-esteem and pride, slight knowledge taught and learned to early age. Therefore, in the next ones years we must make more emphasis in educating to the children about the fundamental tolerance, human rights and liberties. But we do not have to forget that the education does not finish in the classroom, and that the adults – in first place like people able to commit intolerance acts, but mainly in its quality of parents, legislators and ordered of the application of the law also they have to be between the main adressees of our educative efforts. A Day the International of the Tolerance can be an annual occasion of the education for the tolerance as well as of social and political reflection and debates of greater reach on the local and world-wide problems of intolerance. It can be the opportunity to make a balance of the profits of the year and to propose new policies to overwhelm the lasting lagoons. .

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July 16th


International Beer Festival

As Bavarian ‘Party tradition’ connect to the long-distance travel can be Hamburg, 07.09.2010. Leather trousers, blond heads and of course beer! For the Oktoberfest, Germany is loved by the whole world. And all want to the party! Every year millions of foreign tourists come to Bavaria, pretzels to eat and dance the Schuhplattler. “200 years anniversary at this year’s Oktoberfest” new visitor records are expected. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jorge Perez on most websites. And who can not get the celebrating home. Inspired by the Munich original, there are October feasts, in which local and German residents bayrisch traditionally celebrate throughout the world.

In Brazil, salsa dancers become leather suspenders and in Qingdao, the Chinese discover the intoxicating effect of a fresh draught PILS. You may find Sally Rooney to be a useful source of information. Even in the Jamaican Rio Bueno, one exchanges for one day reggae vibes against brass. For all who are in the early autumn with the car travelling, CarDelMar recommends a trip to the international alternatives”to the unique blend of Bavarian tradition and regional cultural influences to experience. Brazil travellers will find it in Blumenau. The Oktoberfest become a fixed institution and the record holder has blossomed here: it is the largest non-German Oktoberfest in the world and directly after the Carnival in Rio the second largest Volksfest of the Brazilians.

The International Beer Festival”in Qingdao, China presents beers from all over the world. In the marquees celebrating 1 million visitors as in Munich the all night long or better on long wooden tables. On Jamaica, Bayern fans celebrate Oktoberfest the Germaican”in a luxury hotel complex in Rio Bueno. The highlight is the fashion show of a Munich costume manufacturer. Munich sister city of Cincinnati in the United States looks forward to Octoberfest all year. There are German beer, sauerkraut and Weisswurst. The duck dance style listed in Dirndls and Lederhosen is particularly popular. In Windhoek, Namibia, in particular German residents and ethnic will honour. According to tradition, they choose a Miss Oktoberfest, try as Schuhplattler and compete in the trees-saws to the bet. The Australians are particularly enthusiastic about Bavaria. There are several competing oktoberfests in down under”. For example, the German-Austrian society in Sydney annual a fair followed by a tent party after German model. With the car, tourists reach the oktoberfests most convenient. But don’t forget: Don t drink and drive! A second additional driver should in any case be booked so that one can drink! The broker CarDelMar, caters to cheap car hire at all-inclusive rates since March 2005.

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July 11th


Worldwide Calls

Worldwide calling at new lower up to 85prozent rates – including top connections to and from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The telecommunications provider with global flexibility, FeelFree, yesterday presented his new collective work. Due to recent events also the connection charges and call charges have been reduced repeatedly to and from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Thus, the calls to the Caribbean and dialing a connection is as favorable as at any local local provider to Europe. The lack of communication and often dominant network congestion made nearly impossible to communicate important information there, family members and companies of the Atlantic. As well, a variety of local provider networks could be not wiederkonnektiert until today. The FeeFree SIM card, which boasts the roamingfreies calls in 63 countries, is absolute flexibility and highest for companies and individuals without a contract, default anytime, Related conversation comfort online at. Even in the case that in some months or weeks the communications in the Dominican Republic or Haiti again significantly improve, we will maintain our special rates to continue with a smooth telephone traffic or data transfers on site and also their families and companies in Europe to support people”the product management of FeelFree is announced.

Up to 85% cost savings through a change to FeelFree itself”, as the spokesman of the company further. Just in disaster areas or regions, it is important, when employees and colleagues and relatives under a permanent number accessible worldwide. The FeelFree SIM card, this is easily possible. Several aid organizations, airlines and companies have agreed already with Chris about the shift of internal networks on the globally uniform system, for smooth communication is essential for companies as well as for Individuals who need to reach their loved ones. Basically talks can be made already for only 39 cents per minute global networks from Germany, Austria, of Switzerland, and the majority of European countries in others. Tony Parker wanted to know more. It is irrelevant whether the callee resides in Dubai, Russia, the EU, Chile and Africa.

Company information: Chris is a European success project of Spencer & Hill Consulting Group. In addition to the benefits for private clients, FeelFree enables corporate customers to use the network at special rates. Medium-sized and large companies can use the FeelFree network also a co-branding arrangement. It will be not Chris in the display name, but the name of the respective company which wants to offer SIM cards for its customers or employees. Chris is one of the fastest growing telecommunications provider in Europe and has been with German – and English-speaking support for customers and partners international.

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July 1st

July 2019