Complutense University
Code Da Vinci. Novel, a film that has not yet been released. Birth of an example that has happened at the Complutense University, where I teach. Occurs to me from a couple of years ago that here, with a certain frequency when I’m in class, I explain the historical origins of Christianity, always there are some hands of pupils, who rise up to make me a series of claims against what I’m teaching, and when you have made assertions, I usually ask in which document you’ve based to make these statements? And tell me in the Da Vinci Code. And I say, do if?, now is a novel historical source?, a novel of fiction?, do but you know a little of the historical method?, does have notion in how works the scientific intellectual level?, seems that not. It seems today that the Da Vinci Code, is a historic source of all an aserie’s assertions.
Let things clear. The Da Vinci Code, is a fiction novel. Someone will tell me, if but historical things go Opus Dei that exists, and out comes the headquarters in New York of Opus Dei that exists. Yes, Yes, and leaves the Vatican which also exists. But this does not mean that what is narrated there is historical. As any work of fiction, a some semblance of actual data has to be to have a little suspense or credibility to the reader. Does not have any historical verisimilitude, everything he says there is pure invention of its author, having read some booklets, some of which I read, that was a few authors English, because it is not clever to invent this, is simply a transmitter a popularizer. And as a literary work it is very bad, but it’s funny, because it’s like a film. I is not difficult to understand that beyond had this enormous diffusion.