Final Report
If it will be a research quantitative, how it intends to collect given. Many writers such as Director Peter Farrelly offer more in-depth analysis. It presents in general lines the method to be used for the execution of the research. As performance area, to use the following ones: The methods must in such a way be indicated as the research techniques. Population and sampling: to indicate will have become fullfilled or not a case study. If it will be a bibliographical research, will not have necessity of the detailing, only the indication of the type of to be searched material. Collection of data and interpretation of the results: in this item you indicate as she will go to operacionalizar the collection of the data personally (sending questionnaires or; writing down the results of the reaction in predetermined times, etc).
To describe if the data they will be quantitative or qualitative. Analysis and Interpretation of the Results: it describes in this item as you go to analyze the results of the research (if the research will be qualitative, the answers can individually be interpreted global or, if the research will be quantitative, you probably will go to use descriptive statistics (average, medium, fashion, shunting line standard, central trend) or inferencial statistics (bivaried, multivaried linear regression, etc). 7. Cronograma In this item you identify to each part or phase of its research and relate with the time necessary to execute it. The periods can be divided in days, weeks, fortnights, months, bimasters, trimesters etc. These will be determined from the criteria of time adopted by each researcher, that generally are initiated with the delivery of the project and if they lock up with the protocol of the final version of the work. Example: ACTIVITIES/PERIODS (fev/sea /abr/jun (…) ten 1Levantamento of literaturX 2Montagem of Project X 3Coleta of data XX 4Tratamento of data X 5Elaborao of Final Report X 6Reviso of text X 7Entrega of work X 8. References All the citations made in the text will have to be enrolled in the end of the proposal. It uses Norm ABNT- Bibliographical References? to standardize its list, following the alphabetical order of references for the last name of the author (that they can be books, teses, monographs, magazines, periodicals, articles, material of the Internet, manuals of procedures, reports, etc.