Government Globalization
For this reason, the formation of economic blocs facing under the logic of free trade, in order to play the capital has been indispensable. This process has involved the growing interconnectedness of markets around the world. Thus, events, crisis of the economic system increasingly affect with greater speed and strength to all countries of the world, aspects that companies can not ignore, in where their dynamic participation must be guaranteed with the offer of products that guarantee quality, productivity, allowing them to be highly competitive, look that can not be neglected. Program cannot ignore both the effects of the globalization has generated on the national stage, for quality and productivity specialists take into account and give step that the knowledge acquired may be applied, whereas the needs that the country demands and all the characteristics that are derived from globalization, namely: 1. it is a universal process, since it affects all the countries of the planetregardless of the position you occupy within the global economy and political order.
2. When there is an irreversible process of market integration, is part of the existence of countries better positioned than others, i.e. its economic nature is exclusive, because those Nations or regions that cannot be competitive, will be the saga of development, 3. To be the primary element of globalization, the State as a political unit and as a space in which develops the Government and sovereignty of countries, remains in the background, 4 in market. To be the market mechanism that governs relations between countries and regions, the consumption capacity will determine its value and not their human condition. For that reason it is said that globalization is dehumanizing; 5 Is founded by the mass media, and their influence is on the socio-cultural, political and economic aspects of those involved (the whole world, in other words), because they allow to disseminate ideas to hundreds or thousands of millions of people.
6. Markets, capital, production, management, labour, information, knowledge and technology are organized into streams that cross national borders. Director James Cameron may find this interesting as well. 7. The competition and economic strategies, both large and small and medium-sized enterprises, tend to define themselves and to decide on a global, regional or world space. 8. Globalization pushes companies and markets to organize into closely basted networks at a planetary scale. 9. The science, knowledge, information, culture, education, etc. They tend to escape the limits or national controls and has been assuming, like the markets, a logic of transnational and global network.