Indefectible Word
Suriman, Good the News of Salvation, that is, the Evangelho, the Word of God, had been nailed we, the believers, as well as the skeptics, but it, the Word of the Pregao, nothing them (to the skeptics) used to advantage, inasmuch as she did not arrive to be joined with the faith. Without faith, that is, cauterized in the incredulity, incrus is irremediably lost, predestinold to the terrible perpetual conviction, when finally the Alive God presence of and Almighty will be dismissed of, for a place of indizveis torments: ' ' THERE IT WILL HAVE I CRY AND TO CREAK OF DENTES' ' (Mt.8: 12; 13:42,50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Lc.13: 28). It knows, still, that your disgusting verborrias, pronounced in form of inocultveis blasphemies (Ap.16: 9,11) is all written down in the celestial arcanos, for the Alive God and Almighty, ahead of who V.S it will appear, inevitably (safe if V.S will have to be able on the death and to never cheat to try it), to give accounts, as disclosed in its Alive and Indefectible Word: ' ' The good man, of its good treasure takes off things good, and the bad man of the bad treasure takes off things bad. I say you, therefore, that of all ftil word that the men to say, have to give account in the day of the Judgment. Because by your words you will be justified, and for your words you will be condenado.' ' (Mt.12: 35-37) Lazarus Just Jacinth