Initial Series

It allows to develop indagadora attitude, questioning what it exists in the reality where lives, developing the capacity of analyzes and criticizes of the same one, knowing and if recognizing as subject that it intervenes with this world where lives. This is what the professors say, and adds that when working with different scales of it analyzes the student can elaborate the knowledge of the reality and contextualizar the facts and phenomena who happen there, articulating with the too much levels: regional, of the national one, the global one. This reports to affirm that the pupil can understand that what happens in the place where it lives, is not resulted only of the voluntarism of the people of the place, but much more that this is a game of relations centered in interests, many manifest times nor, that, however they intervene significantly with the life and the organization of the space. However in the practical one developed in the lessons, nothing of this it happens, therefore the contents broken up in times and spaces considered in its absolute dimension, have priority in the daily one of the classroom. Fact this that happens in the teaching formation and the practical one of the classroom in the Basic Education. The important one in pertaining to school Geography is to carry through the learning to develop the espacialidade slight knowledge, and the abilities you specify to learn to interpret the space, to understand the place, the world, the life at last. Ahead of this it can be considered so that in service to teach and to learn Geography in the Initial Series of Basic Ensino. WHO IS AND AS IT IS the FORMATION OF the PROFESSORS WHO WORK IN the INITIAL SERIES the professors who they act in the Initial Series have the formation centered in the pedagogical aspects that say respect to the teach-learning of children who are giving beginning to its process of escolarizao and formal learning to read and to write.



September 7th

