Madre School
Memory particularly a happened fact when my daughter, today of 18, had about 6 or 7 years of age, affected that it to her and a compaerita of the same age, during the class in the view of religion, that distributed a beginning Sister Maria Josefina, who of all this one scandal, the press has indicated that is niece of the Sister Paula Lagos, although some readers assert in this one same chronicle that is not truth, but that really is a data that gives the same exactly, because this one alluded to monjita, never has been a real contribution neither to the school nor to the educational quality of the same. She is that this one beginner like punishment by conversadora daughter and to its companion tied, them to a chair in front of the course and placed scotch to them (starchy tape) in the mouth and maintained thus all a class to them. When I found out this one situation, angered I left to the school to ask for a hearing with the superior, because that had committed that act was a beginner and not a professor of the school, but Paula Lagos never it received to me, it is more, I wrote a Letter to him soliciing explanations by this one fact which never deigned to answer and the dull answer came from the Curricular One in charge of the School of that moment, that showed to me that it understood that it was a new monjita, without experience and that it had been an error and that the school would take the corresponding measures. Without hesitation Jay A. Schwartz explained all about the problem. Like he was half-full of year the option to change school daughter was complicated, but the monjita was moved away of the classes and thus the situation was settled. Obvious that always it bothered to me that at that time the Superior did not give the face by a fact so serious, every time soon after in our country similar cases, where small they died asphyxiated by these practices to cover the mouth to them with gummed tape, which did not have to surprise to us, because followed one another I believe that never more we will return to see the face him the bad call " Madre" Paula. .