Prayer for Our Children
If she succumbs to the temptation, the whole family suffers, and all the artillery of Satan go about it to destroy an entire family. A woman is presented with "obsessions," such as the figure, self-esteem, physical appearance, self-fulfillment, and often, the mistake a pious life with a careless life, on the first things the "church" in instead of your first and most important ministry: her family. The woman is moral and spiritual responsibility for the whole family and it is the responsibility to be vigilant, to pray without ceasing for your family, your husband, to intercede, anoint, protect, provide, and be as close to the Proverbs 31 woman. Children: When children face every day the world out there, they meet at that walks like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour: Temptations, sex, drugs, parties, break, rock music, books, occult, paganism, and a large bid so that Satan puts on a silver platter to try to lose them. It is our responsibility as fathers and Christian mothers, take us HANDS AND PRAY FOR OUR CHILDREN NOT asking the Father to drop them into temptation and that the books of MAL. God is faithful, he will do when I ask in the name of His son.
And Satan, then, you can not do anything. This is a work every day and both the man and woman are responsible for them. We must teach our children the fear of God, the Ten Commandments, to pray and rebuke the enemy of their souls, to prepare spiritually to withstand countless offers in the world, waiting for them every time our children leave home.