Ramon Gallegos Nava
This holistic vision emerging as an alternative where all elements are combined and considered all aspects of the human being in its entirety, are you really giving the opportunity to manifest itself through the universal love, surrender entirely to their ideals, to what really allows you to be happy and make happy to others. The new holistic vision leads us to a process of restructuring, innovation and abandonment of social, political and economic structures. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Vanessa Marcil by clicking through. Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava points out that the holistic term comes from Greek holos, meaning whole in our context. The holistic vision is based on the integration of knowledge: Science, art, spirituality and traditions that are articulated to create a culture of wisdom and to overcome the fragmentation of knowledge of academic disciplines. The holistic vision breaks with the mechanistic scientific paradigm based on new principles of reality. Some of the principles are: Unity, totality, qualitative development, Transdisciplinarity, spirituality, learning, etc. The holistic vision is based on the certainty that everything is interconnected, that we are United to each other and to non-human forms that surround us in a complex network of life, based on the perennial philosophy, which is as old as society itself.
Learning styles. Learning styles are diverse and varied, since we do not all learn in the same way or at the same pace, there are people who learn with noise, others silent, learn from the concrete to the abstract, from simple to complex, preference to work alone or in group, etc. Dr. Ramon Gallegos nava points out that learning in holistic education is the central point of the entire educational process, it is more important to teach, no longer can we speak of teaching-learning because they don’t have the same importance in the process of learning of the new vision all those involved in the educational process as teachers, administrators, students, employers, parents converge at the same school with a common goal: learn.

October 8th
Tags: Daughter intelligence spiritual and your development with Ramon Gallegos