Shakespeare In Love
The books are written by people just like you. Each writer has his own thoughts, their ideas and mental models. You can expand your own mental models to know the models that inspired these authors to write their knowledge in these books. 2. Attend courses and training. Determine what areas need to expand your knowledge.
Make a plan covering each area to go step by step. Begin by that area where you need to develop yourself further and consider that it will make the difference and impact on others. Commit to learn more about the skill or knowledge that you think you need to go beyond your means. 3. Create and open talks with different people. Have them tell you what they think of a topic on which you would like to expand your observations.
These people can be family, friends, mentors, teachers and seniors. Surely their ways of looking at life will help you look beyond what you see today as possible. Try to pick people who are different from you to make your way to see their reality contrasts with yours. I’m sure you’ll find valuable information to implement in your life. 4. Questions your own mindset and create different patterns of your life. Use a sheet to lay out how you see your reality today, and draw and outlines your thoughts so that such representation can reflect all the relationships and concepts. Use arrows, diagrams, shapes, type, connected relationships, make a true work of art the way you watch your reality today. Then ask yourself, how else completely different way I can represent this reality? Try to concentrate on what you would like to happen and begins to draw people, relationships, opportunities and resources that may be required to reflect in your new picture of reality that you like to live. In a third sheet, creates a third diagram different from before. Do the same if you dare, with a fourth leaf. Inspired to create different destinations and realities. That will help you to permit your mind to see new possibilities. Expected to apply these steps dear reader. Commit yourself to make that suggestion on a given day, at a certain time you treated yourself the space to work with your interior. I believe in you and trust that you can gradually build from the inside out opportunities for change that finally you ache occurs.