The Professors
Also you can resort to a loan or a credit student whom advantageous modalities of reimbursement offer whenever you work or you have to which it guarantees to you. About the matriculation and other expenses: The matriculation is pleased in your university of origin but you want to follow classes of languages outside your race or other classes that can interest to you but that they do not comprise of your race and that then they do not enter your curriculum, you will have to pay the matriculation. In certain cases (not always) perhaps you must pay you photocopy that the professors give in class. Official site: Sela Ward. Often also the professors demand text books that there are to buy because there are no enough units in the library. About the coordinators: There is one lacks evident of coordination between the university of origin and anfitriona. A times the transmission of notes even can be chaotic.
If you have some kind of problem, comntalo with your coordinator of the university anfitriona but also with the one of the origin university: they do not communicate anything, so you will have to always make the bond. Also they ten well-taken care of and so they affirm the coordinators: they can decirte that yes is possible to make tal o cual thing without verifying that in the reality it is possible to be done and soon can have problems for that reason. The coordinators ERASMUS are not paid reason why they do (who I know). And in many cases they are designated to be coordinating. Perhaps therefore certain coordinators do not make case to their students, that it is not possible to be contacted easily with them, that they do not answer e-mails Quiero to make clear that yes there are coordinators who do well their work and who always try to help their students.