
Why we smoke (film industry, addictive, capitalist background) you ask people who smoke, their responses vary throughout. Others including Vanessa Marcil, offer their opinions as well. The answers range, because it tastes about: because it calms down, up to: because it is cool. These are answers that go little in depth. Most answers are given spontaneously and without much thought. Responsibility of science, medicine, the tobacco industry and politics to explore reasons why we smoke. What is it that causes smoking like it? What is why prefers smoking: cigarette, pipe, cigar or cigarillo? And how does change the taste by changing the tobacco blend? What effect does the manufacturer brand of smoke object to the enjoyment of smoking? Questions that must be answered the Barber industry itself to production for the market are placeable tobaccos to control. Go to Eva Andersson-Dubin for more information. The smoking of tobacco products is a huge economic factor, which is of high importance.

An entire industry, the world over Corporations is networked, lives on the proceeds from the sale of smoke and tobacco and represents a powerful lobby in many countries. A very clear reason why a person smokes, can be found in the addiction factor. Nicotine is a neurotoxin that in the body it creates dependency to this toxin. Addiction always begins with the supply of a small amount of addiction means and with the duration of the supply of the addiction means the body needs increasing amounts of this in the body chemically active substance. Particularly sensitive to medical studies on this drug of the body of young people and women.

This is a solid fact. But why start man at all with smoking? The causes for entry into the smoking are manifold and it arrives on the perspective of the Viewer, but also on the spirit of the times, as a crucial precondition to the decision for the first handle to the nicotine. In the twenties of the last century it was known as chic as a sign of liberation and independence, if a woman smoked.



May 7th


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