Archive for July, 2020

Maximum Happiness

They are not with the uninterrupted drunknesses and parties, nor the pleasure that provide to the adolescents and the women, nor to eat fish and all more than a rich table it can offer that they constitute the source of a happy life, but that sober reflection who examine deep the causes of all choice and all refusal and that it rejects the false opinions, responsible for the great disturbances that if take possetion of the soul. Principle of everything and well supreme is the prudence. Therefore, it is still more worthy of esteem of what filosofia.' ' (Epicuro, Letter the Menequeu. In: Moral, Epicuro: the lights of the ethics, 1998, P. 93) According to Epicuro, Nor always the pleasure attract what it has of better. Nor always pain attracts what it has of worse.

' ' No pleasure is in itself one badly, but the things that provide certain pleasures cause sufferings to the proper times biggest that prazeres.' ' (Basic Epicuro, Principles. In: Moral, Epicuro: the lights of the ethics, 1998, P. 93-97) Such citations of Epicuro, are exactly the one that if relates as the attractive one, of that the search of the proper happiness is supposedly unquestioned, of the other people’s happiness, on the other hand, it is a questionable objective, a time that the people possess varied interests and that they will obtain to be pleased, some times take off the happiness of others. The third and room attractive suggests, respectively, that moral subjects, to the principle, can be determined by empirical calculations; that never will exist certain or wrong options, exists however, what it is, or it leaves of being the best thing if to make in the set, therefore all the options is valid and can be evaluated leading in consideration the beginning of the Maximum Happiness. Such attractive ones are complemented by Epicuro that considers that the happiness alone if reaches with wisdom, knowing to differentiate and to choose the pleasures, being based on the analysis of the consequences. .

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July 21st


Restaurant Inspection

Inspecting a banquet hall, a sober assessment of its size, so that guests do not feel crowded, like herring in a barrel. The same requirements apply to the dance floor. Do not miss a case to look into the visitors' book, it can be learned from a lot of interesting information. specify the details of your wedding: mode restaurant, the time for meals, parking available, the possibility of pyrotechnics in the territory, the decoration of the hall, the number of waiters at the banquet, the ability to reorder food and drinks per cent service charge and the presence of specific conditions of the banquet with the management of the restaurant, so as not to be dumbfounded bad news during the holiday. What should I look for when selecting a facilitator. Leading holiday – your first assistant in his organization, so choose to come to his selection to scrupulously.

From leading the celebration is not only the mood of your guests, but also your own. Master of ceremonies at a wedding must have not only delivered diction, but also literary speech. In a conversation with you he should radiate not only confidence, but also a genuine interest in your holiday. This toaster has to be able to speak not only beautiful, but also to listen carefully. If a toaster a deep sense of self-worth tells of his years of experience, forcing you to his, in his view the only authoritative and correct vision, discourteous disregard your opinion, and, putting ridiculous examples from their peers, paternally slaps you on the shoulder – rather run away and do not turn around! Master of ceremonies, as a physician make a diagnosis, not skimping should give recipes for success of the holiday, always inquiring, whether they are acceptable to a particular occasion.

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July 9th


Go Media

Compare for instance the latest model vehicle. When you enter will be placed if desired to the right of the screen, where you’ll find plenty of brands results of trying to capture their attention and sell new and used models. You can find other results besides trying to sell through its website all models, also sell products that have nothing to do with what we want. But in reality this gentleman to click multiple times to satisfy their curiosity through here and there and as one who has “been viewing window “will return to their duties, having consumed a considerable balance on account of these advertisers. The real translation of this case history is that the owner of one of those dealers has seen the car sales have dropped alarmingly in the last three months, has designed a number of “clicks consumption amounting to 7,500 and has not sold a single one in the one week that has allowed him to be the budget between the SEM results.” Industrial sites, assembled a dealer car, and soon, sets all makes and models, new and second hand. When a client visit (click), we thought “Let’s see if we are lucky and this customer is not going to the dealer ( result) next door, who also likes that brand. Also hey, look, if not buy a new or used or even go travel or buy an apartment. Total costs me nothing look.

“The point is that Websites must meet all requirements to appear among the natural results or organic and power forward positions on the left side of the search engines (SEO). Are the rules of the game the search engines. But the reality is that the search engines SEM complying with these principles by applying random selection criteria and obscure what is causing much confusion among advertisers as we are of all types of businesses from these results. However, can penalize our website making it down to places not reachable from other thousands of pages if it complies with all requirements. SEO techniques that we apply from Go Media, you can gain the positioning battle for our customers without the big budget item that must be invested in the toll of clicks. The beginning of this strategy to improve positions beginning with a proper development of our website. There is no point that we have discharged our website if your configuration does not have the parameters necessary to maintain edge Internet and avoid being relegated to positions undetected.

The process that we follow will achieve results from the first six months of follow up, enabling us to be steadily between the first 10 references. Indexing, analysis of algorithms of search engines, analysis of competition code, definition of statistical criteria for the keywords location, or even study of the international projection of our website, are some of the mechanisms we have to refine in this setup. From that moment our website is ready to move in an agile way for this gigantic galaxy of the red-Inhabited today by more than 4 billion pages without having to rely on greedy eaters clicks.

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July 3rd

July 2020