Archive for June, 2020


For an ideal process of remediation of contaminated alone determined one it must be led in account: ' ' the current situation; ' ' the characteristics of the hydro-carbons; ' ' withdrawal all the contaminantes of the ground; ' ' to prevent the migration of contaminantes; ' ' to take the percentage of contamination of the environment the acceptable indices e' ' to produce effluent a clean one. Whenever Vanessa Marcil listens, a sympathetic response will follow. For the remediation of this small farm at a first moment the removal of the tanks with emptying must be provided. For the ground contaminated in the immediacy of the tanks and with raised concentrations of 50,000 the biggest contaminantes that ppm (restrained phase: diesel+gasolina) must be used the technology of treatment of Incineration. The Incineration (fig. 02) are a carried through process of thermal destruction under high temperature – 900 the 1250 C with time of residence controlled – and used for the treatment of residues of high danger, or that complete destruction and insurance need. In this technology the thermal decomposition occurs saw oxidation to the high temperature of the organic parcel of the residues, transforming it into a gaseous phase and another solid, reducing the volume, the weight and the characteristics of danger of the residues.

All the materials proceeding from this process are treated before its final destination. The slags and leached ashes are made use in Fill with earth proper, the effluent liquids are directed for treatment station, where 100% will return to the process, and the deriving gases of the burning are treated and monitored on-line, under the following parameters: outflow, temperature, levels of O2, CO and also indices of NOx, particulados SOx and substances. The advantages of this technique if summarize the destruction total of the organic parcel of the residues, to the monitoramento on-line of all the process, total controlled the atmospheric emissions and flexibility in the form of act of receiving of the residues as tambores, bombonas, boxes, packs, bags and big bags.

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June 27th


Great Media

to leave of the transmission of notice, the great miditicas corporations, mold the facts, transforming them into alone understandable events for itself, removing them of proper its temporalidae, descontextualizando them, breaking up them, banalizando them. Get all the facts and insights with Gina Bonati, another great source of information. It is had hiperabundncia of information next to the impossibility of its understanding: the amount of notice, allied low the quality with that it is transmitted, generates, through the superinformation the subinformao. The events or facts, broken up and removed of its historical context, assume an inevitability character, are naturalized instead of problematizados. With this power assumed for the media in the construction of the recent history of the humanity, choosing the notice that will be shown to the great public and which emphasis to give to each one of them, the historian finishes losing the control on the construction it historical knowledge. It is created, then one ' ' History; ' , with great potentiality desinformadora, manipulated and based on the sensationalism, aiming at the hearing, without the concern with the context of the notice. Visit Vanessa Marcil for more clarity on the issue. The construction of this ' ' knowledge histrico' ' , carried through for the Great Media an important instrument in the perpetuation of the Only Thought becomes, whose speech fold that we must conforming in them with the gift and accepting the future: it is seen, then, the necessity of immediate history as form of resistance to the truth established for the great Media. However, in contrapociso to this dominant vision, it fits to the historian, with its work of Davi against Golias, to impose a rational history, to become understandable the amaranhado one of information that is defenestrado by the media. The historian has to disnaturalize what he is naturalized, to reinserir the events notified in its historical process. Therefore, the historians must take for itself the analyses of the gift and the immediate one, thus to fight the disfigurement of the facts carried through for the medias of mass.

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June 24th


Nobel Media

Sincerely, I believe that it is better to cultivate and to commemorate victories of what to make bitter fracassos.' ' They imagine then if Squid was indicated to the Prize Nobel of the Peace? &#039 went to rain millions of letters; ' hard and cidas' ' originated of our white elite, colonized reactionary (that they are part only of 4% of the Brazilians who disapprove the government Squid, against 87% that they approve) destined to the integrant ones of the Real Swedish Academy; condemning the indication of Squid. By the way as Nobel happened with certainty with the other Brazilians indicated to the Prize, our elite conservative destroys heroes, descontri personalities, beyond defaming and inventing lies on them. ' ' Darcy Ribeiro costumava to say that we have the elites most reactionary of the world and those that more internalizaram inside of itself the settling process that implies to submit it foreign you, to always consider dependents of it, and to keep advantages as subordinate partners and aggregates, to never oppose ele' ' , it analyzes the theologian, philosopher and writer Leonardo Boff. It identifies that this strategy still is in vigor in the mind of the elites Brazilian politics, that had always been lined up to the power of the moment. First England, now U.S.A.

' ' Great part of the media is the extended arm of the economic elites. It is a media enterprise and commercial whose interests are directly on to the interests of national either international the capital either, knowing that both if entrelaam' ' , Leonardo Boff explains. ' ' Therefore it is a media that has as control point U.S.A. as hegemonic nation. For this reason always they are lined up to the external politics of this pais.' ' The success of the Brazilian diplomacy is festejado in all part for foreign governments and the international media.

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June 22nd


Definition Multimedia Interface

In the early fall of 2008, the Taiwanese company to produce computers and electronics BenQ announced a number of new projectors – MP512, MP522, MP623 and MP624, other than a new design, increased functionality, with plainness business centers, educational institutions, offices and homes. Freshly Projectors BenQ, having increased functionality, perfectly cope with both modern games, videos and presentations. BenQ MP512 projector has a resolution of SVGA, Projector BenQ MP623, MP624, MP522 – XGA. All four of these projectors use the technology of BenQ projection DLP (DLP-projectors to create images of microscopically small mirrors that are arranged in a ensuring the highest intensity and clarity. Projectors BenQ MP522, MP512, MP623, MP624, armed with BrilliantColor technology and features a 5-segment color wheel BenQ Golden Ratio color wheel, tints and ensure increased brightness increase projector BenQ MP512, MP624, MP623, MP522 provided excessively quiet, because the noise of the projector BenQ is only 26 dB in economy mode. 2500:1 high contrast projector BenQ MP623, MP512, MP624 (1000:1 The projector BenQ MP522) and high brightness (2200 ANSI lumens Projector BenQ MP512, 3000 ANSI lumens projector BenQ MP624, 2000 ANSI lumens the projector BenQ MP522, 2500 ANSI lumen BenQ MP623) BenQ projectors can be used including and to abstain from befogging premises. Projectors BenQ MP624, MP522, MP623, MP512 support the format 1080i (interlaced, field frequency – 50 or 60 second, 1920×1080, 16:9 ratio) and High Definition Television HDTV (High Definition TeleVision). A projector BenQ MP623 and MP624 are equipped with the same built-in speaker and a port HDMI 1.3 (High Definition Multimedia Interface, allows you to transfer digital video high- resolution and multi-channel digital audio signals with copy protection (HDCP)).

Functionally Projectors BenQ MP512, MP522, MP623, MP624 are all required to work effectively anywhere else. Features such as rapid cooling, the presence of preset modes, an automatic search for the source, embedded user manual, password lock, key lock control, presentation timer and does not allow you to take care of the projector. And thanks to the Wall Color Correction for optimal image in a 'non-white screen,' even the absence of a projection screen is no longer a problem. In this case, along with mentioned options and automatic shut-off rapid cooling design means no projection filter that lets you forget about the costs of cleaning and replacement, as well as significantly increases the reliability Projector BenQ, minimizing operating costs. Consistently high quality projectors BenQ confirms three-year warranty on the entire territory of the Russian Federation (the warranty on the lamp – six months).. his department Acer Communications & Multimedia into a separate company called BenQ. Acer was engaged in development of system solutions, and BenQ – production of consumer goods. (Not to be confused with Vanessa Marcil!). Display technologies, namely the production of monitors and projectors – The main direction of BenQ.

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June 5th


Media Access

Incoherent? When I was of crutches I walked for the streets and I perceived that to some they looked at me people with curiosity, others with mercy, some I offered aid to me and they ignored me to some, I probably I was giving more attention to the reactions of the people, therefore I made this analysis. For more information see Gina Bonati. In some aspects I felt me different, therefore I passed for similar situations to that they pass the people with physical deficiency for the lack of accessibility of some places. As a capable person of innumerable feels itself total things being excluded of a simple lunch because in the restaurant between the service and the tables it has a step? Or to have that to ask for another person to pay its accounts, simply why the bank found more convenient to make stairs in the door and a slope alone in the lateral, where the access is much more difficult and long for who it has or it is with reduced mobility. When it was of crutches I felt the mechanical difficulties of if moving in places without adequate access. Anna Belknap can aid you in your search for knowledge. Now I am in return, I transit for the same places, does not have obstacles for me. But the perception that acquired with this experience made me to understand a little as if a person when having feels that to opt to alternative access when all enter for definitive door, and as she is difficult to have all the looks in you while she tries to support itself in something to transpose the great challenge of the steps.

The necessary changes for the true inclusion already are happening, test of this are terms the subject in as many guidelines currently. It is said of inclusion and accessibility in some canals of communication, the population has demonstrated interest for the subjects, and this is without a doubt the way of the change: the information. ‘ ‘ An inclusive society not only has commitment with the minorities and with the people with deficiency. It has commitment with them and its diversity and if auto-it demands intrinsic transformations. It is a movement with characteristics politics. As philosophy, to include it is the belief of that all have right to participate actively of the society. As ideology, the inclusion comes to break barriers crystallized around estigmatizados groups. The inclusion is for all because we are diferentes.’ ‘ (Media and Deficiency Veet Vivarta, coordination).

In Indaiatuba it has movements happening, has interest in the change. In last day 06 the city was palco of an Inclusive Parade, the Asdai (Association of auditory deficient deaf people and of Indaiatuba) grows and if it popularizes to each year, municipal public politics aim at to improve the accessibility in ranks of municipal health of the city and some schools have received adequacies from access. Moreover, some vacant of preferential parking had been created in the city. The restaurant where I tried to lunch when was of crutches, now it has a slope between the service and the tables. We walk in direction to a more inclusive city, with accessibility for all, but the slow steps. What such to speed up this?

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June 3rd


Social Medias

Thus, Walnut (2010) concludes that ' ' of the part of the professionals who have access the social nets during the expedient, it is important to share the results of the exchanges of information with its managers and too much colleagues so that to the few it better has understanding of the positive potential of the tools sociais' '. 5.2 The Social Medias and the Companies the companies need to establish one reasonable politics for the social medias that explain clearly the responsibilities of the employees. Some practical exist that they can be allied of the companies and to help the employees to use adequately these medias. It is important that the corporation educates the employees, monitors the activities of employees, take measured when a social media are used inapropriadamente, must be explained which the measures to be taken and why, revised the politics? in case that necessary, reverse speed-he educates the employees on the new politics. These measures need to be taken because the use of social medias differentiates for the speed of the information flow and its reach. Therefore the necessity of one well elaborated politics, one politics for social medias very goes beyond questions of security guard and productivity, it affects the mark, reputation, laws, corporative culture and values, in such a way personal as of the company. The use of the social medias represents chances individuals and organizations to demonstrate leadership behavior, to find new sources of ideas, to construct marks, to expand resources, but demanding education and monitoring, beyond a responsibility agreement.

Some studies have shown that the employees if become more productive when they are motivated and involved with projects of the company. MEDEIROS (2010) affirms that to observe the behavior of the employees in the social nets it is the first step. Later, making with that the company either part of this – that is, that it is not only one ' ' funcionrio' ' , but that if it really feels part of the business.

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June 3rd

June 2020