Archive for March, 2014

Fall Fishing

This fall fishing begins in the second half of autumn. Fishing is held with the elements of fine or so difficult to say of angling. Important feature of fishing in the second period of autumn is dying annuals plants and dropping them on the bottom. Also due to the withering away of microbial water becomes lighter. With the onset of a cold period significantly reduced the amount of feed in the pond. The larvae of many insect species slipping into deeper space, leaving the coastal area. After working up over the summer period a sufficient amount of fat, complementing its holdings, but it does so not as active as in summer, choosing bait with caution.

The same effect on the bite fish water clearance and decrease in temperature. The first increases the visibility and the second one slows down the metabolism, affecting the bite. Due to short-term improvement of the weather, there are active periods of biting fish. If predict such a period, you can not get bad results. Considering the fishing grounds and the choice of the reservoir, we can say that the most unproductive fishing will be fishing in shallow waters. There are exceptions – is pre- explored the pit and places with deep shoreline.

In the shallow waters in the presence of the deep places you can not find enough bad copies. You can also note the tributaries of large rivers. The combination of greater depths and small currents play a positive role in studying the terrain, with subsequent determination of parking lots of fish. Fishing for certain species chosen their own tactics. In contrast to summer, autumn fish takes place according to its kind. Float fishing is selected not heavy rod for a more successful bites. Tackle weight up to 2g. Line was chosen diameter 0,06-0,10 mm. Float carrying capacity of 0,2-0,8 gr. Hook number 20 and a few small pellets. Nozzle will be: cereals, maggots, caddis flies, bloodworm, ie bait without flavor. You can add a little bait in the rate of 1 drop per 3 kg of bait – anise, garlic, dill, thyme. In the cold of autumn the most works effectively bait mixture of clay with bloodworm or maggots. The most important thing is not to overdo it with the other full of bait, the fish stop biting. Short plug connector with easy snap-in allows you to keep snap in place. Autumn fish are not looking over the pond in search of food, and waiting for it almost zaplyvet into her mouth. To use the weight equipment in the 0.15 gr.podoydet 5.8 meter plug and a strong line of 0,05-0,10 mm. Fall fishing the most similar to fishing in the winter. When moving the float downstream and stop it at one place, followed by immersion under water, may signal the bite. This proves that the fish is inactive in the same place in waiting for food. Bottom gear with the arrival of cold weather, such as fish: bream, roach, dace, chub go to deeper places, eating from the bottom. For this type of fishing suit outfit, consisting of twine diameter 0,15-0,20 mm hook 18-22 and the trough in the vicinity of the hook. Bait is still the same maggots, bloodworm, caddis. When using three or four maggots on a hook, caught a big fish.

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March 23rd


International Baccalaureate

In order to begin training in England, any future student will make a great effort. Particularly difficult will be those who come to study from abroad, because besides the usual set of entrance tests they have undergo testing for English proficiency. However, training in England is worth it – here the best and oldest in Europe (and globally) schools offer almost unlimited opportunities for comprehensive education. One of the such schools – a Sevenoaks School (founded in 1432). Along with the rich traditions of this school is a great learning experience in England at the advanced level: there are already more than 30 years in high school used the program International Baccalaureate, a diploma which was adopted in universities all over the world, not only in the uk.

Also here we have introduced co-education of boys and girls of all ages (11-18 years) – a move which has not yet dared most of the old schools. Every year there are trained in England, students from several dozen countries, including those from Russia. The total number of foreign students is 10%, while in high school – 20%. Go to Sevenoaks School and begin training in England can be aged 11, 13 and 16 years. However, the decision on this should be taken in advance. To enroll your child at age 11, you must apply at least one year prior to admission. If you plan to begin training in England in the 13-year-old age, then the application should be sent within two years. Tests take place in several steps, including writing and exams, and interviews, and assessment of creative abilities (Sevenoaks School is known for its dramatic and musical circles). At the age of 16 learning in England begins to most foreigners, so the Sevenoaks School identifies specific dates for entrance examinations, which are foreign students. Applications should also be made in advance – For example, in 2010 stopped taking documents back in September, that is, the year before.

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March 16th


Living Life to the Fullest

If you keep living your life unconsciously follow the path of today's leaders, politicians, media and other leaders of this world that are focused primarily on the negativity. But if you decide to spend a few minutes daily to think and imagine your desires you will make a major change in your life and slowly it will start to improve to become what you want. Any appeals to an equal, if you spend time thinking about what will attract what you want. Tip # 3 Once you've raised your vibrations keep them as high as possible for as much time. Have on hand a plan of action to keep your vibration high. Prepare your activities including things that always make you feel good, movies, music, TV shows and books that inspire you.

Surround yourself with positive people and make your favorite activities as often as you can, that will help you move forward with incredible speed. * Tip # 4 Leave to react to situations as if you were helpless (victim) * In every situation that stops you always do pause to think you can create something different and you're not powerless. Actually you're just helpless when disconnected from your inner being, but when you feel happy and when you're in high vibration are much more powerful than a million individuals. You're never a victim, every time you created and you can start creating your reality from any situation. Do not allow yourself to feel helpless for a long time, do what is necessary to restore your power in any situation and move to the low vibrational field as quickly as possible.

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March 10th

March 2014