Archive for December, 2011

Walter Bruce Willis

The whole biography of Bruce Willis riddled incredible coincidences, the subconscious belief in his star and perseverance in seeking to achieve its goals. As expected from future savior of America, the biography of Bruce Willis began to military base in the U.S. armed forces in a military town in the West Germany in the spring of 1955. David Willis is not for nothing came of military service of the U.S. to Europe – this is where he met his future wife – the mother of Bruce, which bore him four children. After a couple of years after Bruce's father's life ended, and the young family returned to America in a small town in New Jersey.

Seeing the young Bruce's unlikely though someone suggested that the opposite He is a future star of American film industry. His appearance was not outstanding, he was very worried, talking to strangers, and suddenly began to lose his voice, speaking before a large audience. Win his shyness and insecurity, Bruce decided the original way – enrolled in dramkruzhok, where he worked on his speech and internal systems. Feeling once heady feeling, which gives people an impressionable mind audience and the magic spotlight, his whole future destiny of actor getting a chance to give to be back on stage. And another special property known biography of Bruce Willis – he persistent in seeking to achieve their goals. After an unsuccessful attempt to do something different from playing on stage, Walter Bruce Willis is trying to find the slightest clue to act.

Going to New York, he took part in amateur productions nyuyorkskih theaters agrees to bit parts in numerous films, serials, plays in the folk ensemble and looked forward to these roles. The popularity and the love Americans won the Bruce, having played in the series' Detective agency "Moonlight." It is noteworthy that Bruce was almost 200th candidate for the role of detective. Emmy Award, which was awarded to Bruce Willis in 1987 for his role in the series, became tangible evidence of recognition of his acting skill. But for the actor confirms that his childhood dream come true, was the role of a brave police lieutenant in the blockbuster "Die Hard". That is how he himself, and saw – a lone hero, a fighter with the world evil and defender of the galaxy. Biography Bruce Willis is generous in success, although there is in his film career is not quite brilliant films. Most importantly, the actor does not always change his principles, his own personal code of honor. He is American to the depth of soul, although fluent in the native language of her mother. His marriage to actress known for many has been the benchmark of family relationships and the ability to respect rights, even if fate had separated from him, we can consider the map integrity and purity of soul.

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December 16th


Greek Theatre

theatrical emphasis on the modern theater – one of the subtlest and most captivating illusions of mankind. Special, with nothing comparable to the atmosphere of the scene gives grace excitement, laughter, healing experience Every day, millions of people around the world. The rustle of the curtain rises – and even a cold analytical mind believes in someone else's, do not they invented life as his own … If the theater – is the realm of convention, why is he so close to the heart? What mystery is hidden in the scenic space, crossed by a spotlight and framed by a heavy cloth? It seems everyone in the theater: Stucco on the ceiling and balcony, sculptural folds of the curtain, smooth elevation of the scene, set a high architectural breathing human thought and passion. Echoes of the dramatic grandeur of sound in a theater …

and a modern interior. Ab incunabulis … The History of European interior – both household and stage – is inseparable from the history of architectural styles. They reflected the alternation material preferences and different notions of the ideal of a particular era. Antique harmony of proportions and shapes, revered in ancient Greece, evident in shapely costive lines of ancient Greek furniture legs in the form of lions' feet and acanthus branches, and in bulk decorations of the ancient Greek Theatre 5 century BC During the Roman Empire, it disappears under numerous interior decorations with stucco and carvings illustrating penchant for conquest and the love of luxury.

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December 2nd


Cultural Communication

In order to promote national brand in the international arena, Irina Spring proposes to create a social communications agency in the government. The main tool in the agency, according to the deputy, must be Russian language. 'It is clear that Russian should become the medium of communication, the means of cultural communication, which allows us to preserve the common cultural space with the Commonwealth countries, and most the main thing – to realize the right attitude to the Russian people and Russia in the world "- said Spring. The duties of the agency representative of United Russia offers imputed to the organization of the centers of the Russian cultural heritage in world capitals. "These education centers will help form a correct perception of Russia in the world.

Russian classic literature, poetry and ballet, and our theater – this is the brand in Russia. Domestic art – is one of those brands that will never lose its relevance in terms of internal and external perception '- Spring recalled. According to the coordinator patriotic club of United Russia, our country There are many reasons to be proud of and apart from the great Russian culture. Especially strong we can be proud of those already formed and promoted in the international arena brands like "Putin" and "Medvedev." 'Today, the power, higher officials of the country, of course, represent the nation. These are people who show unconditional respect for the people of his country, national traditions and national identity.

They represent the interests of our state as national. And it is very important because the presidents of Russia (Vladimir Putin at first, and now Dmitry Medvedev), of course, are the embodiment of Russia in the world '- explained his thought Spring. According to her opinion, only after Putin came to power in Russia 'has the right to speak and began to hear'. Considerable potential, MP, and have these symbols of Russia as a 'soccer team Chelsea, which is perceived as Russian team 'and' Gazprom '. "We have a lot of creative people, we have a lot of athletes, a large number of Olympic champions' – added the representative of the ruling party. Meanwhile, brand promotion 'Russia' could face the traditional challenges, says 'Nezavisimaya Gazeta'. Funds allocated for the promotion, tend to lose value in times of sharp anti-Western speeches of national politicians. A advantages of Russian goods and services in the global market proved yet no brands and their quality. Low rates, by contrast, can seriously compromise the loudest brand. Related Articles: Evaluation of the brand. It should be no Promotion is the brand and the economic crisis

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December 2nd


Art Reviews

REVIEW (from Lat. Recensio – 'check') – a review, analysis and assessment of popular scientific, musical, artistic, scientific, work, works of dramatic art, exhibitions, etc.; manner of criticism, literature, newspapers and magazines publication. Review generally includes: – the minimum permissible plot information about the product (or the subject of analysis and evaluation, which has no alpha map) – a clear or 'invisible' to relate the product (an object reviews) with other, related in theme and issues – properties of the product (object) with the emergence of perspective; place in the work of the private author in the creative process of the era, as well as in life public – a final assessment of the product author of the review. The initial objective review – a direct reference to the works of theater, film, music, literature, but in today's realities – and to a variety of events and items of material and spiritual world, which even before this, no one wrote (if possible), about which had not yet take shape public opinion. If you talk about this product (Subject, Labour) writer necessarily need to disassemble it for conformity of contemporary life: to evaluate it as nothing but a new phenomenon. It is a topical (in the best sense of the word) is the most sine qua non of any review. Variety reviews: – detailed annotation, which develops the themes of work, compositional features (music reviews) – condensed critical or journalistic article (and often controversial nature), in which the object is to review only a pretext for discussion of pressing social problems or the same literature – essays, it is more a lyrical meditation reviewer, inspired by watching, listening, reading works than its direct interpretation – samoretsenziya which sets out the author's view of his own work. Review, consisting of several works of art, not differing from each other thematically, thematic, temporal, or any other grounds, is a review (monitor of).

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December 1st

December 2011