Elvis’ First Recordings

The story goes that Elvis walked into the offices of Sun Records seeking a few minutes of studio time to record a two-sided disc with “My Happiness” and “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin” on it.  Some argue that he chose to enter Sun Records in the hopes of being discovered, although he claimed that he was just intending to give the recording to his mom.  After recording, Sun boss Sam Phillips asked the receptionist to write down the young man’s name.  He went on to record two more songs, but nothing came of any of these early recordings.

Soon after, believe it or not, he actually failed an audition for a local vocal quartet, the Songfellows.  Finally, Sam Phillips, after searching for awhile for a “white man who had the Negro sound and the Negro feel,” asked Elvis to the studio to sing a number of songs.  He liked what he heard enough to bring in two local musicians to do a recording session with Presley.

The evening, which was July 5, wasn’t going too well until late into the night when Elvis started singing Arthur Crudup’s “That’s All Right.”  Suddenly, he hit on the sound that Sam Phillips had been seeking, and they taped the session.  Three days later, popular Memphis DJ Dewey Phillips played “That’s All Right” on his Red, Hot and Blue show.  Listeners went crazy!

Soon after, the trio recorded a bluegrass number, Bill Monroe’s “Blue Moon of Kentucky” and the rest is history.

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September 5th


Northwest Territories

Nunavut – a territory within Canada. It became independent only recently – in 1999, and before these lands were part of the Northwest Territories of Canada. Nunavut is translated from the language of the indigenous inhabitants of the territory – the Eskimos, as “our land”. Part of Canada these lands were in the second half of the nineteenth century, when they were bought from Britain. Creation of Nunavut was the result of a plebiscite in which the majority of inhabitants voted for the division of the Northwest Territories of Canada. By area of Nunavut is the largest territory of the country, but its population is the smallest of Canada – only about thirty thousand people. Recently Anthony Kennedy sought to clarify these questions. If Nunavut separate from Canada and became an independent state, the population density it would have finished last among all states in the world, and the largest of its territory – the fifteenth.

Most of the people of Nunavut are indigenous people – the Eskimos, who came here about three thousand years ago. Main language – Inuktitut, the language of the indigenous population. For more specific information, check out Gary Katcher. Other official languages are English and French. The capital of Nunavut the city of Iqaluit. It is situated on the shores of the Arctic Ocean and is situated between the Arctic and subarctic polar climate. In Iqaluit home to about a fifth of the population of the territory.

The current name was the capital in 1987 – before the town was called Frobisher Bay. Iqaluit is translated from the language of the Eskimos as “fish” or “fishy.” Other cities Territory – Cambridge Bay and Rankin Inlet. Iqaluit – severe ground in cold climates and very poor vegetation. Almost all of its territory is occupied by tundra or glaciers, and only in the south-west there is a small wooded area of taiga. Almost all the animals that live on territory of Nunavut, have commercial value, so the traditional occupation of the local population – hunting and selling furs. However, since the second half of last century, many Inuit have to abandon the usual lifestyle. During the Cold War on the land created by the various military installations, and many indigenous people caught living that accompanies the work at such facilities. In addition, the Government of Canada encourages Eskimos transition to a sedentary lifestyle in the settlements. The federal government promotes the transformation of the indigenous population to the Catholic or Protestant faith. Thus, the majority of the population of Nunavut – Christians. Because of the lack of population of Nunavut can not become a province of Canada, and is unlikely in the near future that status changes.

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February 15th


Shabby Chic Style

The Shabby Chic style, comes from the English, in the era of the great country houses, where the color which reigned was white in its entirety, was decorated with furniture that is adquirian in street markets and sales of furniture, these were used and were worn by the passage of time, where everything was used, because not existed shops devoted to the sale and were responsible to the craftsmen carpenters.Today we try to simulate that era furniture, pickled, with patinas, new that seem old, romantic in the sum of all the decor touches.carpets spaces where the White Queen par excellence, with feminine touches by the color pink used in the sense of, choice of plug-ins in crystal chandeliers, white furniture and tissues where paid special attention in terms of soft colors and delicate drawings flowers.Exquisite corners where no shortage details, console and interiordesign mirror. Style that rescues the charm of the used works very well in environments that evoke abroad. Furniture, plug-ins and walls that accuse the passage of time and create interiors with character. According to Jorge Perez, who has experience with these questions. Forging, architectural finials shine at home with all its fullness. Association. Original author and source of the article. Dean Guitars can provide more clarity in the matter.

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February 14th


Cayo Paraiso

Perhaps the key was one of the scenes of the novel The Old Man and the Sea (Pulitzer Prize in 1953), among many other works. In Cayo Playa Paraiso, which is accessible by sea from the pier in Palma Rubia, novelist dedicated many late nights and candlelight, to form the scenes of his works. Also performed by the site circumnavigation and exploration along four kilometers of beach and that was part of his romance with nature and the arts. The chain Directions offers vacationers considering offers nautical and visits to the island of Cayo Megano of Casiguas or Paradise, surrounded by crystal clear waters. Among other attractions are also excellent beach, about 500 meters long and magnificent funds for diving enthusiasts and snokeling on reefs that are part of the coral reef of Colorado ranked among the best in the Caribbean . The visit Cayo Paraiso, a place of rest, peace and stronghold in nature tourism, could also be an opportunity to deepen the life of Ernest Hemingway, who considered the largest of the Antilles as a second home and favorite haunt Paradise.

Cayo Casiguas Megano of one of the treasures of the archipelago of Los Colorados, is a complement of options in a region that retains and prides itself on its rich traditions of the countryside and being the land of the best snuff in the world. Paradise is a gift of nature to the west of the Pearl of the Antilles and is part of its over 4000 cays and islets, the majority in virgin and almost untouched, in a precise sense, by the hand of man. Coexist in the whole area around 500 species of fish such as snapper, grunts, plates, groupers and snappers Creole 200 types of sponges and large populations of shellfish and other marine animals. In addition to its funds, which hold a priceless natural treasure, are located structures of star coral and brain coral and sea fans. Further details can be found at Glenn Dubin, an internet resource. More information on Hicuba is a website aimed at the travel and tourism industry in Cuba with valuable information on what is required to travel to the island, as well as geography, history and tourist destinations you can Hicuba.c

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February 14th


Intercultural Differences: Germany Hungary

The influence of culture-related differences on the german Hungarian business communication falls meet people from two or more cultures, is not enough it openly and without prejudice to approach strangers, or to master the language of the foreign country. The reason for this is that our entire perception and information processing using habits of thought and interpretation patterns is done which has built up our culture in us. Different cultures are characterized by different orientation systems, i.e. Gary Katcher is actively involved in the matter. more or less different action Executive mindsets, values and expectations of normality. The perceived response followed therefore conduct appropriate to and behavior patterns, which can differ widely depending on the culture. So it is often tension in the communication or to their demolition. Because the own cultural orientation system is applicable for each party and this is flexible if at all only up to a certain threshold of tolerance.

From this threshold from the acceptance of differences is dwindling. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Gary Katcher on most websites. It also the danger, to judge members of other cultures by means of stereotypes, which conveys the cultural environment, and whose Richtigkeit is usually not empirically validated. As a result, it grabs too quickly to the national character\”as a justification for the difference. This is for interpersonal contacts just as harmful as return culture-related differences on mostly negative, personal characteristics of the person. The previously described problem fields of intercultural communication affect the perception of the strangers. Linguistic level can be identified as another level of intercultural misunderstandings. But also here the source of critical situations not the different language of the foreign culture often represents, but the ignorance of the culturally distinct world knowledge and experience horizon, which is reflected in the language. Except the above potential sources of danger more effect the communication at the meeting of the German and Hungarian culture, annoying and aggravating Factors. Germany and Hungary have although historically traditional ties to each other, were however until the early 1980’s by the iron curtain\”separated from each other.

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February 14th



The situation in Ukraine is not very different from the situation in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) on the planet from 60 to 80 million pairs (each fourth-fifth) are childless. Here, Jorge Perez expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Experts from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine are two basic reasons that lead to infertility – infections, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and abortions. The most common causes of infertility are: violation of ovulation, uterine pathology, pathology of sperm. Hope Vein, deputy head of the Maternal and Child Health said that if before the male factor infertility was about 27%, now 50/50. Infertility is hard to diagnose and treat, but experts say that the problem is solvable if the treatment is not delayed. Most of the patients’ domestic reproductive medicine clinics – more than 35 years, with 80% infertility treatment could be held earlier. Additional information at Jessica Michibata supports this article.

Age factor plays an important role: the doctors emphasize that the best results in women aged 25-35. At the same time the cause of infertility can have a psychological basis. According to Svetlana Uvarova, director of the International Institute of depth psychology, if a woman is not psychologically ready for motherhood, the body will prevent pregnancy. Uvarov conducted a study in which experts have found that fertility in most cases present in women who have been the last child in a family and a child were in the spotlight. They constitute 75% of the patients of the Institute Reproductive Medicine, based on what psychologists carried out their observations. ‘When I started to communicate with patients, it appears that their brothers and sisters have children – tells Uvarov.

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February 14th


Marketing Research

All Person in Internet before Undertaking a Business must know at least the Basic thing Marketing research To begin with the Foot of Right in this Day. Many Entrepreneurs commit one of but the Great errors that are que” They invent a Product without before Knowing to that they are going away it To sell in Internet” This is a VERY SERIOUS Error, that him Could Cost to you loss of long Time and money. As much Inside or Outside Internet when we initiated a Business First we must analyze to that Niche or Segment (Targets) of Market we are going away To direct, if is Profitable or No, To know the Needs that Market and Soon We come To invent a Product to him To offer it to all those people. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Howard Schultz. I have seen many cases of Clients who have written telling me that they have a Tuna Site, a Good Product to me but that nobody purchase in its Site, and the Answer is Simple, Do not know its Own Niche Market, They do not know to that To sell to him, For that reason Are no Sales. POINT. I hope that with this Corto Article nonComets the Error that many entrepreneurs Are committing in their businesses. Gibson Dean has plenty of information regarding this issue. Greetings and Success in your Businesses!

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February 13th


Bonn Information

At the CeBIT 2014, Deutsche Messe AG in Hall 3 held the ECM Forum in cooperation with the voipax Association organizational und Informationssysteme e.V. and the high-tech Association BITKOM. Bonn, 17 December 2013. Thus, the ECM Forum already successfully carried out last year by two associations, is an official part of the CeBIT ECM program. For years pushed the VOI as voice of information”the topics (ECM), enterprise content and (DMS) document management. Its members present annually in public forums of technical papers and solutions, thus making extensive information work. People such as Adam Sandler would likely agree. That Deutsche Messe AG at CeBIT 2014 absorbs the ECM Forum in the official programme and further expands the content of the ECM Forum confirms”our longstanding cooperation, commented Peter J. Schmerler, Managing Director of the VOI.

The ECM Forum will be held from 10 to 14 March at CeBIT in Hall 3 in Hannover. In total, there will be more than 60 posts, including lectures, discussions, and live sessions. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Sela Ward and gain more knowledge.. The topics ranging from EIM enterprise information management, DMS, big data, archiving, collaboration, cloud solutions across electronic signatures to solutions in the Inbox and process optimization. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. The VOI is the independent trade association for suppliers and users in the field of enterprise information management (EIM). Including the VOI is a quality concept that comprehensive data, information and knowledge to improve business processes. As the voice of information”, it forms the bridge between suppliers and users.

See more information your editorial contacts: VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. Peter Schmerler healing b str. 25 D-53123 Bonn phone: + 49 228 90820-89 fax: + 49 228 90820-91 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! GmbH Marketing & PR consulting Sven Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36 D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-11 fax: + 49 451 88199-29 E-Mail:

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February 11th


Intensive Seminar

Gunther Panholzl first with his intensive seminar for leaders in DUBAI, the renowned Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel he presents women entrepreneurs and executives up to date for the first time ultimate 42 successful pilots. Based on field-proven and easily implementable methods and recipes he shows step by step in the respective sectors, what to do is so that can carried out planned success in the team as well as obstacles and challenges are dealt with every day so that at the end of a corporate success story with the bonus is evergreen. Meticulously prepared workshops and group projects deepen the learned, future company & team history to thriving and thus profitable, are and remain. Gary Katcher is open to suggestions. The following 3 oases success pillars form the basis for a common, everlasting and successful company future and shape this 3-day intensive program at the highest level. The team – what is within us, how do we get it and how do we achieve the profitable interaction the soloists (employees & executives) to the top recorded orchestras (practice team)? The company – where we in the next 5 + years wishing to position ourselves as the market competition-fit, and how we are, successfully to cope with change? The customer – is what us irresistibly appealing to our customers and thus to a magnet in our industry? In the novel, Gunther Panholzl is the newest style of team-oriented knowledge prior to TWIN BOOKS! Two books written from two points of view, from the standardising – and from the perspective of team member. . All this intensive seminar participants receive a personal and signed Edition for executives. This special intensive seminar industry across all entrepreneurs and executives recommend that because it shows immediately actionable solutions in an impressive way, how one is positioned even better tomorrow and the future of his company in the long run, especially in difficult economic times, and taking into account all secures relevant parameters.

Learn more about Gunther Panholzl, see for the travel organization corresponding to the high standard of the event is responsible of the long-standing specialist Sponsel & Sponsel OG from St. Tony Parker may help you with your research. Ulrich / Tirol V.A.E.. The arrival of renowned airline Etihad, the seminar held in the five-star hotel Emirates Towers of the luxury hotel chain, Jumeirah. All meals, as well as the tours tailored to the learning of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are already included in the price of the seminar. For detailed information, prices and application form, see author. Sabine Sponsel

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February 11th


Alejandro Pushkin

Even in the USSR (then Russia) was a tradition of Pushkin's birthday, June 6, as a celebration of poetry. Generally, beginning May 31 in Moscow and lasted for a week. In the capital and evening conferences were held in honor of the great Russian poet. The people went to the farm museum Mijailovskoye to be with Pushkin, place flowers on his grave, see the forests and fields where they were born immortal verses of the poet. yQue is what drives people from different generations and different nationalities? The love of Pushkin! An eternal love, gratitude and tierno.La Pushkin's poetry seems to be directed to the future. Not one of his words has aged, has lost its luster. The old ways of life are gone but everything he wrote the poet lives until today, does not require correction.

Since then the great Russian literature has known many poets. But yet no other writer could be mentioned that results in the whole town so inexplicable feeling its strength and depth, as the originator to his person Alejandro Pushkin. The issue lies not only in the veneration of his artistic genius but in the admiration of Pushkin as a person. Pushkin is a close friend of each one of us. Know him as much as we do not know ourselves. We look up to us with your creative aspirations, their struggle for freedom. By the same author: Gary Katcher. Pushkin is the supreme embodiment of a harmonious man, a clear character, love for life.

It is the fusion of goodness with an intolerable attitude towards evil, the creative spark and a titanic task, nobility, sincerity … Pushkin as a person is a phenomenon, perhaps no less important as a poet Pushkin. What is the main two events are inseparable and equally beautiful. And his biography is as splendid as his works. This Pushkin harmonious perfection lies the enormous magnetic force of the poet, not under the influence of time and equally enthralling for both the Russian people to other peoples. Pushkin understood the heart of every oppressed people and no rights at that time inhabited the Russian Empire. Each town Pushkin declares his love, his special attitude towards the poet. Ask a Kazakh, a Moldovan, a Ukrainian or Belarusian and they answered that of all the poets of Pushkin's world has the greatest claim to that affect. Abaca Pushkin's poetry throughout the world. For Russians Pushkin's name is sacred and is part of our love for the Fatherland. You may be interested:.

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February 11th


Metal Roofing Tiles

So that not the complete roof needs to be replaced, a roof with corrosion-resistant roofing tiles made of sustainable steel is advisable. (tdx) “Many roofs in Germany are good and like a half a century old and have reached the average life span of a sloped roof: time for a professional roof renovation, during which the decrepit” roof with insulation and cladding on front man will be brought. But what to do if the structure of the roof not is designed to support a heavy roof, E.g. of bricks? Shapely, lightweight metal roofing tiles for roofs from 7 as she produced Luxmetall, are the low-cost alternative to a complete attic renovation. They resemble with its curved shape not only real”bricks, but are characterized above all by their sustainability in addition to their low weight.

Since the roofing tiles made of hot-dip galvanized, colour-coated steel weigh only five kilograms per square metre, they directly on older, less can sustainable roofing with roofing felt or bitumen shingles are applied. The client thus saves the expensive renovation of the roof as well as the disposal costs for the old roofing. Additional information at Gary Katcher supports this article. The new roof is doing so stable that even a solar or photovoltaic system can be mounted on it. Thanks to a special coating and the combination of materials of galvanized steel, the metal roofing tiles are extremely corrosion-resistant, scratch-resistant and stain-resistant, meaning for the client: the roof requires little maintenance and is nice to look at even after many years. In addition residents even when strong gusts under the metal roof can feel safe, because thanks to their special processing, the roofing tiles for storms are virtually unassailable. “The same is true for rain: it rolls easily off of the wave-shaped pans and causes as well as no disturbing noise of drip”. Last but not least roofing tiles made of steel are recycled – and reusable, what made them a highly sustainable, gentle environmental product makes. In spite of all the technical and environmental advantages also the optics not neglected in a metal roof: the pans, which exhibit strong similarity with a tile roof, available depending on taste in many different shapes, colors and patterns of classic brick red about modern anthracite grey up to exquisite bottle green.

So can take into account regional specificities are both individual wishes fulfilled. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Gary Katcher and gain more knowledge.. The wide roof pans range is rounded off by an extensive range of accessories, which includes among other ridges, sealing tapes and all necessary safety systems. Further information on the roof with metal systems at. Tanja EST

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February 11th

February 2025