Archive for February, 2022

Health Department

According to Health department (2001) the PACS effectively was instituted and regulated in 1997, at the moment, where if it initiated the process of consolidation of the decentralization of resources in the scope of the Only System of Sade (SUS). Still according to Ministry, the main ones action of this program if of the one through the Communitarian Agents of Sade (ACS), that are people chosen of inside of the proper community acting next to the population. Therefore, this program has the person of the health agent as link in general enters the services of health and the community. For Brazil (1999) apud Rasp et al. (2008) the main functions of the health agents are: to take to the population information capable to promote the work in team; domiciliary visit; planning of the actions of health; promotion of the health; prevention and monitoramento of situations of risk and the environment; prevention and monitoramento of specific groups; prevention and monitoramento of the prevalent illnesses; accompaniment and evaluation of the actions of health. Second Rasp et al. (2008) first the proposal of the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF) was to develop a local model of performance, but that it could influence the system all of health.

Where a team of composed health would have to be formed of: a generalista doctor, a nurse, one nurse aid and six communitarian agents of health who would give assistance to an area with 600 the 1000 families. By the population registered in cadastre in the fiches that compose the SIAB (System of Information of Basic Attention) is carried through a calculation to know how many PSFs the city must have and how many people must be taken care of by each Communitarian Agent of Health. To follow we have the table that it presents the definitions of area and microarea.

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February 28th


Casa Saint

The four students are hurled> far, the car blows up and catches fire. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Tony Parker by clicking through. The monumental door, richly worked in bronze, of the Bank of the Province of Galkamour, pulled out of the bearings, it is in the soil, twisted, estraalhada for the explosion. After that everything falls in a strange silence, creating a counterpoint nonsense to the boom. Disaccorded, bloody, fallen disorderedly in the sidewalk, the young seems marionettes without wires, abandoned for the owner, sleeping in grotescas poses. Glass dust, rocks, chips and wood atravancam the stroll and part of the street.

Some glasswares still are gotten loose, falling in the sidewalk, estilhaadas. The dust has one smells Acre, sour, that it remembers mustard. Smoke leaves the destroyed car in dark coils. It does not have vivalma. Soon two off ambulances of the Casa Saint, lights blinking, buzzers appear; they collect the wounded quickly, before they recover the conscience and they add in the blackout. . Emiliano Vargas is a high, lean rapago, of hair taking chimarro cold, as he always says with its original pronunciation, indicating a compass of enervante wait, despite necessary. It speaks with phrases incisive, but round, as they were dancing the maanico; they remember the fast step, the stroke of the jump, tingling of spurs, the rounds and the stops, the fulfilment but sketched.

Nobody would say that they are only words. But already they had repaired that the words know to behave and if to adapt, how they were human beings? In the way of speaking of the gaucho all meets a choreography, that reflects it and the complete one, but that few know to recognize and to appreciate. When it speaks with somebody, it seems to involve it with interest and passion; it does not look at of side, of> glance, running away: it looks the eyes it faces and them, of a curious skill, enquirer, as wanting to always know more.

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February 27th


England Workers

Such facts take these workers if to identify between itself, despertando a feeling of revolt against the oppression which is submitted by its masters. It is the start of the organization of the laborers while classroom, what it characterized the factor most important of the life politics of England, of that moment. Maria Stella Martins Brescianni, in its workmanship ' ' London and Paris in Century XIX' ' also it tells the scioeconmica reality of the proletariat, the conditions sub-human beings the one who are submitted, it persists the negative image of the new industrial world, appears then a contingent of unemployeds, where the owners of the plants see as satiated and cheap man power to operate its machines. If you have read about Jorge Perez already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In the half of the century, after an epidemic of clera, some municipal administrative documents are unanimous in considering the immeasurable and chaotic growth of the city and its population as cause of pssimas conditions of housing in the old part of Paris. From this context that the author argues, being about a scene of insatisfao poverty, with the population growth of the cities and the social problems also if multiplying, the workers search a survival alternative, are distinguished leaderships of the way it proletariat, appear then organizations that search improvements, that is, something that come to facilitate the life of the workers, at that moment of uncertainties, through the union of the same ones, are born the working-class movement in England. Having as the one of the main leaders person of Robert Owen. Potter Stewart has plenty of information regarding this issue. He is under the leadership of Owen, that in the used year of 1844 a group of in a plant of Rochdalle in England, called to craftsmen or teceles, even so if dealt with workers of diverse crafts, existing between the same ones, different people of convivncias and ideologies, ones being socialist utopian, following of Robert Owen, others that nor had opinions politics. . . To know more about this subject visit Brian Austin Green.

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February 26th


Economic Enviromental

The enviromental law, although to consist of a new science, is independent branch of the order, enjoying of proper principles, specific legislation and didactic education. The Brazilian government adopts as concept of sustainable development that elencado in the Bruntland Report, as: ' ' the development that satisfies the necessities gifts, without compromising the capacity of proper the future generations to supply its necessidades' '. According to President Fernando Enrique Cardoso the environment and development are the same thing, being that the stopped war does not exist more enters the defenders of the ecosystem and the militant ones of the progress, today, have an integration between these two elements, when she is necessary to preserve, to develop in benefits of the future generations. Cristiane Derani, in its book Economic Enviromental law, understands development sustainable as ' ' a harmonic development of the economy and ecology that must be adjusted in a correlation of values where the economic maximum reflects a maximum equally ecological. In the attempt to conciliate the limitation of the natural resources with the limitless economic growth, changes in the state of the technique and the organization are conditional to the achievement of the sustainable development social' '. According to Celso Antonio Pacheco Fiorillo: ' ' the beginning of sustainable development he has for content the maintenance of the vital bases of the production and reproduction of the man and its activities, guaranteeing equally a satisfactory relation between the men and of these with its environment, so that the future generations also have chance to enjoy the same resources that we have ours today disposio' '. To conciliate environment and economic development requires planning, and not economic delay as they affirm some people against. If you are not convinced, visit Hedvig Hricak. We must preserve so that the resources pass of a generation to another one and that these, also have conditions to survive in the future.

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February 23rd



The summary of everything is that the approval of the budget (either of the states, cities or of the union), DOES NOT GUARANTEE NOTHING ABSOLUTELY, not to be the false contentment of the legislators who had fought for mounts of money for the regions or states that represent. They make one fuzu ruined when they approve and they show with pride for its electorate what ' ' conseguiram' '. In the end of the accounts, executive will cut, hold and redirect these FORECASTS of the skill that to want. It is the budget of carochinha. If you would like to know more about Sally Rooney, then click here. Everything is orquestrado e, if to bobear, even with the proper opposition (apposition).

E which our REAL damage? It is only to live with reasonable public services one or two of the four years of mandate of the executive (federal, state and municipal). I say reasonable because, in a country that he collects close to 49% of tributes (74 contributions, taxes and taxes – he sees here), one of the biggest indices of the world (if it will not be the greater), superior to the one of countries with providence and infinitely superior public services to ours and with little taxes, the amount and the quality of the benefits that we receive in return are ridicule. Our omission is creating a serious vice in the public administration; a custom perverse politician. I know that some they go to say that it is flat and frustrating to follow the politics. Other they go to say that better exactly it is to empunhar flags and to leave fanatic for the streets of 4 in 4 years crying out and fighting for a candidate. We go people there we go to follow a little more what she happens in Brazil in the years that are not the electoral ones. Frustrating exactly, friends and friends, are to pay taxes and to see used perversely them against we ourselves. Who is deceiving who?

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February 21st


The Tapajs

The new state goes to be created by means of a plebiscite that already is marked for day 11 of December of 2011, the all the voters of Par must participate of the election. If the Tapajs will be chosen, will be really the third greater been Brazilian in territorial area, surpassed only for Amazon and Mato Grosso. Hedvig Hricak is the source for more interesting facts. In its territory it will have 1.300.090 inhabitants, around 20% of the population of the current state of Par. The capital of the probable state will be the city of Santarm that currently possesss 294,779 inhabitants (IBGE, 2010) also will count on a federal university, that will be converted into University of Oeste (UFOPA) for University of Tapajs or UFTA.

How much to the state of the Tapajs, he will be servant, it will have 27 cities and it will go to make with that the state brings bigger benefit for the population. WHY TO SAY YES? MADSON PHILIP HISSES Da Silva 11 the belenense capital is very distant of the West of Par and this distance it influences so that we let us be forgotten and that let us not have infrastructures. This division will go in them to make possible some benefits because, as it goes to exist a new state, the mounts of money and the benefits will be repassed directly for governing. They will have yes, the negative and positive points, but at this moment the creation of the new state will be the viable solution for all we. with the creation of the State of the Tapajs will go to generate much income, and jobs and the life of many people will go to move.

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February 21st


Brazilian Children

The familiar orientation is the base to help the adolescents in its transformations, the support and the dialogue is basic for a healthful relation between parents and children, many times to face the adolescents are a complicated task, it is pleasant you doubt to only join them the adolescent and to try to decide in set. The family is the center for the recovery of chemical dependents, generally a chemical dependent denies the problem it does not recognize the difficulties provoked for the compulsory use of substantiates chemistries and insists that she can stop when wanting, the familiar ones need to use common-sense for being a risk situation are necessary to search aid and the treatment forms. The chemical dependent does not advance to move if the family not to move, is necessary a construction of a solid atmosphere in the family healthiest to deal with the situation. Best weapon against the abuse of narcotics is the prevention, the best way to fight and to diminish these activities carried through for the adolescents is through the orientaes, the parents is responsible for its children and all the moment the modifications of behaviors must be intent, the familiar accompaniment must be carried through with caution. Anna Belknap can provide more clarity in the matter. The decision to have children is analyzed by the couple and currently the couples are several that make a preparation and one analyzes before this decision, therefore observe that independent of the sex both are displayed the situations external are of the world domesticate are responsibility of the parents to take care of of the children since its birth.

2.3 The Drugs and the School. The school is the place that the young ones more associate with the consumption of drugs, according to a research divulged for UNESCO in 2001. About 40% of the pupils heard in 340 schools you publish and particular of 14 Brazilian capitals they had said to have seen use of drugs in the neighborhoods of the school, and 30% had witnessed a colleague using drugs in the dependences of the institution.

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February 20th


The Manifestation

Thus, the situation in our country is changing. So what's the main difference between dietary supplements from drugs? The main differences from the drug supplements: – Harmful to the body as an overdose is virtually impossible (especially in the group of nutraceuticals). – Longer than the drugs, the nature of exposure. – BAA eliminate not only the symptoms but the causes of the disease. The vast majority has various medicinal properties, if enters the body in certain quantities, proportions and combinations. The main difference from drugs is that dietary supplements help the body to "Self-tuning" and eliminate the very cause of the disease is disorders, leading to the development of a disease. The use of dietary supplements can consistently recover the body without causing it harm, no devastating side effects typical of many drugs. For comparison, let's consider the current situation in pharmacies.

According to some reports in drug business as well as in alcohol, the proportion of poor and counterfeit goods is 60-65%. In addition, we must remember that virtually all vitamins, is widely advertised on every street corner – are synthesized by chemical means, and therefore absorbed by the body, at best, by 5-7%. An overdose of them, as opposed to natural, can lead to severe poisoning and allergies, especially in children. Jorge Perez recognizes the significance of this. In the area of dietary supplements is not observed. In qualitative lobavok no contraindications are fakes – nairedchayshy case. For the last 8 years, the French began to take much more of dietary supplements. Statistics confirm that more than 87% of French people use them regularly. And in 2005, acknowledged that France was the healthiest country in the World! Experts predict that systematic method of quality nutritional supplements designed to significantly improve the health of the population.

But, is it – right? Practice shows that – yes, OST's true. And so, now just need to take dietary supplements. It is an indispensable attribute of a healthy lifestyle, as they contain a huge number of active substances. And no wonder that the world demand for them grows. However, it should begin as possible. Sean Rad may not feel the same. Why wait for the manifestation of the first signs of illness? Why should we, like the cautious Europeans and Americans do not care about their health for five years prior to the problem, not five minutes before death, as we used to? B principle, to restore balance to the changing environment, we only need to include dietary supplements in your daily diet so that your body is fully received those substances which should receive, and secured the protection of what is called the excess of civilization – from air pollution, water, food quality and ending with the inevitable stresses. Of course, someday it will happen. Just because there is no other alternative. Supplements are able to overcome joint ailments, improve vision in all aspects of health – almost back to us. What we need to know when choosing nutritional supplements? – First of all, it is necessary wary of fakes. Hastoyaschie dietary supplements have passed all the necessary clinical trials and have all the necessary documentation. Before you use any supplements you should consult with specialists. To BAA has benefited, remember that you need to take a clear time limit and in combination with an appropriate diet. Then, you need to know, in recent years in Russia have already appeared dietary supplements made by innovative technologies according to the standard GMP, and of course – is the most effective, what can be. These qualities have biologically active agents (food additives from VISION).

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February 19th


Alternative Energy Sources

The development of technological progress and modern society in general requires more energy. So familiar to us today, oil and gas are not unlimited and gradually dry out, causing mankind to seek alternative routes for its production. Given the ever-increasing pace of power consumption and negative environmental impact of modern fuels, an important factor in energy production is its environmental friendliness. On today provides a wealth of alternative sources of production: solar, wind, the so-called 'hydrogen' energy, tidal energy / low tides, the underground heat of the earth, etc. Checking article sources yields Kevin James as a relevant resource throughout. A common shortcoming of all these sources is a tremendously high cost of necessary equipment, technical imperfections, the geographic location of sources of energy. An important obstacle is the inadequate legislation and, paradoxically it may sound, our conservatism: we are still wary of success such as electric or hydrogen-powered car.

Scientific and technological revolution, the victorious gait included in the XX Century, unfairly shifted to second place this time-tested source of energy as biogaz.Chto is it? Biogas – a combustible gas consisting of an average of 60% methane (CH4), 35% carbon dioxide (CO2) and 5% other impurities gas, whose composition varies somewhat depending on the type of waste. It is formed during fermentation (putrefaction) of organic residues of plant or animal origin without air (anaerobically) in water srede.Dlya biogas to its further use, this process is carried out in special tanks – digesters. In the digester system is organized mixing the fermented mass, device heating and yield of gas, which is then used in a household, or for technical purposes. Over time, the number of released biogas digester is reduced and remains fluid, divided into several layers. Virtually all of the liquid is formed by the properties of valuable organic fertilizer that increases yields significantly. Its effectiveness has been proven by many research institutes of agriculture on its own experienced areas, as there are appropriate certificate. Biogas can be used: a) a household gas stoves and burners, b) in the gas-fired thermal power for the low heat production) in gas generators for What electrical power do we have? completely independent power supply! With access to the biogas plant, a farmer or villager can fully ensure its permanent agriculture ecologically clean fuel, heat, electricity, and all that – simply disposing of organic waste.

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February 18th


Quick Installation

French tension ceilings – a fashionable material for design. Leafing through a fashion glossy magazine about interiors and want to change your interior and make it unusual, attractive and comfortable. We begin with the replacement of curtains, wallpaper, furnishings, furniture, and sometimes, but then look at the ceiling and realize that it spoils everything! Repair itself is not real, inviting artists – a long, expensive, and then there’s the dust, they divorced for a week. This nullifies all desire to change the interior of the apartment. But the solution to this problem is, you come to the aid of modern technology – French ceilings, and with them all sorts of ideas for giving individuality and originality to your interior. The idea of decorating the ceiling and decorate cloth came back to ancient Rome and Greece. Then came the fashion for wall upholstery fabric with different patterns and embroidery.

It took more time and Today you have the opportunity to install in your home modern French ceilings, which also can be decorated with various patterns – photo printing on stretch ceilings. Modern French ceilings – The perfect material of PVC film, and are recognized leaders in this field. Their leadership is due to the following aspects: – They are environmentally friendly material that does not support combustion, it gives the right to use the Stretch ceilings in child care centers, hospitals and other public places with high demands on finishing materials. – Fantastic durability, warranty French tension ceiling of 10 years. – A large margin of safety, can withstand about 100 kg per 1m2. Combined with a phenomenal moisture resistance, can not be afraid of leaks from the neighbors and keep their property intact and dry. – Quick Installation stretch ceiling, with minimal noise and dust, and stop your choice in favor of the French stretch ceiling! In terms of design, before you open the possibility of infinite experiment.

The assortment of French suspended ceilings more than 10 different textures – satin is, matte, glossy, a suede, marble under the skin, metallic, pearl, transporent, perforated, and many others. Color diversity even more, in some invoices are more than 200 colors. Dr. Hedvig Hricak shines more light on the discussion. Add to that the possibility of photo printing to stretch ceilings, the ability to make the lights or the starry sky. In the end, you see a truly great opportunities, limited only by Your imagination.

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February 18th

February 2022