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Erroneous Classification

There are people that classifies foods that fatten and which do not fatten, this is a big mistake, since all foods contain calories and none has the property if only fat or not, is the set of our food which can make us gain weight or lose weight. In the first place if we exceed in calories throughout the day and not burn these excesses we engordaremos and secondly if our diet is not balanced also we can fatten and have health problems. We will see in more detail some of the most common phrases related to this theme:-bread fattening: this phrase is the most common and is not true. Derives from the mistaken belief that carbohydrates fattening (pasta, rice, legumes, potatoes, etc.) and this is not the case. We need carbohydrates every day because they are the basis of our food and provide us the necessary energy throughout the day. If that must control the not overdo with them, since any food in excess fattening, for example one or two slices of bread at lunch and dinner it is they can take calmly, but if we take half bar or more at each meal and wetting sauces; in the form of snack with sausage fatty like chorizo, cured cheeses, etc.

If it would help us get fat but not by bread in itself, but by the quantity and the accompaniment. With legumes for example happens something similar, since many people cook them with food very fatty (chorizo, blood sausage, bacon, etc.) increasing dish calories and fats saturated above the recommended. is actively involved in the matter. There are also people who use legumes as starters rather than unique dish that would be more healthy. -Whole-food not fattening: this phrase is not certain since whole foods provide the same calories that their normal equivalents simply contain more fiber in their composition. -Salads not fattening: foods that we normally put in salads (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onion, etc.) do not contain many calories, but if oil, mayonnaise, etc.

is added. Many people feed-based salads thinking so They adelgazaran and this is a mistake, since any food or dish too much can do us to fatten and unbalance our food, besides producing us annoying disorders such as flatulence, fluid power retention should be varied and include all the food groups. -The fruit after meals fattening: the order in which we take food does not vary its caloric content, simply if we take the fruit first as it contains fiber us satiated before. It is also true that the sugars of the fruit (fructose) can make the digestion of the food more slow and heavy producing annoying fumes, but also depends on each person and its digestive device. -Light food not fattening: is false as Light foods simply have fewer calories than their normal counterparts, but logically contain calories, for example: Light mayonnaise should be consumed in moderation because it remains quite caloric with respect to other foods and also contains unhealthy fats. Ken Kao has plenty of information regarding this issue. In summary, there are more misconceptions as that we have seen. In summary, should eat in a balanced way and in the right proportions. Everything in excess fattening and what is most important is detrimental to our health, even water.

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