Grand Prize Min

Invites massages to the wohlfuhlen…nun on the massage room opens the Kiez Crelle to massage samples… Competitions for young and klein…zu snacks and drinks. On Sunday, the 20.7.08 16 8: 00 as Grand Prize for adults waving a 60 minute full body massage. Here, Tony Parker expresses very clear opinions on the subject. As the top prize for the children, a 20-minute children’s massage and 25 min game with the bowls. The massage room…Owner Silvia Hasterok… home following massage highlights: Classic full-body massage 60 min = 50 euro classic neck back massage 30 min = 20 euro business break (classic neck back massage, facial massage, including warm facial compress, for fresh and watchful look, or hand,-, or foot – massage) 30 min = 30 Euro facial, hand- and foot massage 40 min = 35 Euro intuitive massage 60 min = 50 euro children massage 20 min = 12 euro bowls massage 60 min = 40 euro coming Sie…testen Sie…gewinnen Sie…in The Massage Room…mmmhhhh massages to the feel good… at the opening of the massage room in the Hohenfriedbergstrasse 10 A 10829 Berlin the massage room.blogspot.



November 8th

