Black Square

Geometric primitive using simple geometric shapes in the painting practice is a direct reference to areas such as Suprematism, minimalism and bespredmetizm. A model of artistic perfection of the geometric primitivism presents a picture of "Black Square". Kazimir Malevich, originally called his work a black rectangle on a white background, but eventually it stuck the name on the square, although this is not true in terms of geometry. graphs-and-the-proceeds-will-go-to-gt-ormond-st-hospital-1415739a’>Scott Mead, who has experience with these questions. The product has no top or bottom, about the same distance separates the edge of the square of the vertical and horizontal lines of the frame. Few deviations from pure geometry reminds the viewer that the picture still written with a brush, the artist did not use compass and straightedge, draw an elementary geometric shape by eye, attached to its inner meaning. Black square on a white background is the familiar, the basic element art of Suprematism. The artist subsequently been thinking a lot about the black box, wrote theoretical papers linked him with cosmic consciousness. Method of expressing the structure of the universe in geometric forms, straight line, square, circle in Suprematism relates to the principle of absolute simplicity as extreme case of the essence of minimalism and the principle of denial of objectivity in bespredmetizme, netiskih number of ways.

Right polygon in the geometric context of primitivism displayed the Victor Sizov, depicting a picture of the "yellow box". Thereby laying the foundation of development theory and practice of artistic direction bespredmetizm. In art direction bespredmetizm based on the use of geometric forms, sometimes, though not always, located in a non-illusory space and combined into a non-object, non-figurative compositions. The basis of non-objective compositions is the creation of artistic space through a combination of geometric shapes, color planes, lines and broken lines. Throughout the twentieth century art historical discourse of critics and artists working in a reductive or pure lines of abstraction, it is often assumed that a high bespredmetizm practice abstract art, which draws attention to the plasticity of the root and dvurazmernost painting as an artistic medium.



July 11th


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