Sailing in the Internet I see many advantages and cons to hit that ' entered for Trending world-wide Topics; ' There if I you pego' ' I do not want to enter in the merit of the letter. From the controversy that music has caused I started to reflect on the personal taste of each one is it: musical comedy, politician, football, ideological, sexual, etc. the humanity already evolved very in regards to respecting the gostos and opinions of the others, but still we are very distant of that this is a universal rule. I defend the idea of that the majority of the conflicts that already we still had in the past and we will have in the future, are in virtue of the intolerncia. To respect the taste and the other people’s opinion is an impracticable exercise for many, this generates animosidades in the diverse sectors of the society causing of a simple evil to be, until religious conflicts, politicians, social, ethnic and so on.
In Brazil music has caused one badly to be mainly in the musicians ' ' conceituados' ' that they do not obtain to breach the national borders with its melodies. The paranaense Michel with its music ' ' repetitiva' ' it is enters Top 10 of the You world-wide Tube. In twitter the subject is enters the most commented, but let us agree to criticize is easy the difficult is to respect the other, this yes is that it is that is lacking for some intellectuals. Some foreign songs are idolatradas and sung for the Brazilians, but most of the time many fans nor know what they say the letters of musics, many of these letters are offensive and of a bad generalized taste.